Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
A cuddle
Chiz and Kat, I only see them once a week but those girls are quality
We've been friends and not friends for a while and I miss her. tbh she's an awesome human
Probably mum and dad atm
Literal best deb partner out, so so supportive and one of my absolute faves
Rude lil *****, but amazeballs to talk to about anything
My current boyfriend lol
Eating when I'm bored :/
Look no
and I think that's wonderful, because while they are putting effort into thinking about me, talking about me and trying to start ****, I'm not even acknowledging them :)
Probably make up or shoes
Nothing anymore
Riley and Luke
Can't think of anything :/
You are one of my favouritest ladies too bb, absolutely adore you xx
What do you mean? I don't know anything about whatever they're doing so why ask me?
If I started treating you that way there was obviously a reason and I don't know what to tell you because I don't know who you are? :(
No one, everyone's an ***hole
I really don't care about 'your tahlia' right now so please take your opinion off my qooh me page where it isn't needed.
I will :)
George from the 1975 bc then we could do fun stuff like get high together and other things and yes please
When have I been mean to her?
Who said I had anything against her???
My muscly arms ;)
You're**** and apology accepted you jealous ***** :)
Love love love her, one of my closets bestest friends, i can trust her with anything and she's fab to ***** to because she just gets it
Too much lel
i actually don't know how to reply to this other than I love you ahahah a! X
Don't remember the dream but I remember feeling like I was falling then my body like spazemed and I woke up and it was funny
Ta bb
Already answered this and if anyones trying to start **** its you xx
How am I trying to start **** when I only answered the question from what Jackson told me??
Tell me something I don't already know??
Gabby: Heard she blamed Tahlia for the comment saying she was going to break jackson and I up so idk but she seems really nice Tahlia: she's pretty and idk what to think, I've already answered this Courtney: Haven't heard much about her but she seems cool as
Didn't have any plans
I've only met Rumer and jake and they're both funny and really really friendly and I want to get to know them better, but name people and I'll tell you what I think
I miss everyone :(
My positive attitude, lol idk I'm not positive
Reece's buttercups, like those things are amazing
Lol at the bit down the end But I think she's alright, I've heard that she's said a few colourful things about me and my relationship but I haven't met her and don't really know her so ???
I am cool, and you love me a lot but I'm not a muggle
To be a dancer :)
My bæ and maybe Jackson
Sydney or America (San francisco, California)
Jamo and Hayden
I dont think there is a 'situation' as such anymore and I don't see why you are asking me when I'm not close with any of the people involved, but I just hope that they are all happy.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LUCAS, MY SECRET LESBIAN LOVER! awks if this isn't lucas but I love you anyway!!
Pretty **** actually lol :(
it's probably me because I change my mind so often :/
Yeah I've spoken to jack about it and he's gonna kill a *****
Love them both equally as they're the best.
I personally don't know if that's true or not but I would say it's false. When jack talks about her, he describes her as a wonderful person.
Chloe :)
Jamos party was so good! I had been to the dentist that day and was in a lot of pain at the party but considering that it was still awesome.
Guys: Dos (my dirty mind buddy), jack, Jacko and Oscar Girls: Sam, maddy, Jamo and tay
Fk yeah it's gonna be so good!!!
I shower or bath at night time?
Everything really, especially his arms :))
Hells yes
Jillian: steph and lauren Jason: Stevie Jason T: chiz, kat and emma
Idk I love all the people at dancing. Depends on what class you're asking about
thankkyou x
Always and forever man
Honestly loved them so much as a couple, but individually they are both really funny and friendly and very easy to get along with.
My fav couples are ash stagg and lauren, Lucy and Liam and then eventually Brent and jamo when they happen :)))
The most aggravating, annoying and loyal person I've ever met and I am very inlove with him.
People that I wasn't friends with but am now, before thought I was either shy and quiet or a ***** lel
I don't really see it, although you might, but I do know that I am very lucky to have him (:
Not much actually
Jack, Oscar, Hayden and obvs Jacko
Aw, love you too xx
How did he create someone so perfect, that someone being Leonardo dicaprio?
Idk.. I love all my friends and it's hard to pick a favourite
chloshay, shanty, Kaleb Stivey, sometimes Cooper and brayden even tho we barely talk anymore :)
He is fabulous but not as fabulous as me
Target in chirnside ✌️
Aw thankyou! X
I honestly think everyone looked amazing and I couldn't pick as to who looked best
Jackson Fanfulla :)
Be a ***** and be angry at everyone even if it's not their fault.
Yeaah :(
Thanks beb
Tbh somedays it's like 9:30pm but then on other days it's like 3am so idk ??
When they are over confident and think they're top sh*t
Spiders and the red man thing from incidious
Seeing/ watching someone loose interest in you
A lot of them
She's pretty and I'm way jealous of her dancing skills. :)
Look it probably can
Shaved my legs, it was fun bc I hadn't done it in sooo long and omg so much hair hahahah
not really :( I've been having a really off week and honestly not feeling myself. Sorry I havent been as fun and whatever that other word is.. Thank you for caring tho x
Overall appearance and how unattached I am to people.
Anonymous sweetness is one of the best things. thanks you a bunch for making me feel a bit better xx