How much money do you need right now and why ?
R300 for protein
What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?
Pulled a fire chicks number?
What makes you happy?
Someone special?
How’s curro
But it was a great school
How’s curro
I don’t go there anymore
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
High school
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
Your greatest accomplishment?
Making money?
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Plans for 2018?
Gyming and spending time with fam
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
Nothing, I’m very smart?
Who you keen for at the moment?
No one
Brunettes for blondes?
What’s your Instagram name ?
What is the worst decision you ever made?
What did your last relationship teach you?
That sometimes u gotta let go to make her happy
What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?
You the best. Emzs
Thanks. You're amazing
You the best. Emzs
Thanks. You're amazing
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Sports and pulling dolls?
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
Nm. We both just decide to end the relationship
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
IPHONE 7 plus?
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
That I have been used so many times
What are you currently worried about?
What makes you uncomfortable?
Being around weird people
What will you never ever do again?
What do you wish had never happened to you?
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Are you with someone at tge moment?
How can you be a better person?
That's something hard to figure out.
What quote do you live by?
Whats the one thing , you'd change bout the world?
Mmm. I would want to give the world peace. Cause there are too many deaths and fights around the world, especially school. I would want to the end all the violence, and make our world a better place with love and peace.
Whats the one thing , you'd change bout the world? Rxiin.bow
Mmm. I would want to give the world peace. Cause there are too many deaths and fights around the world, especially school. I would want to the end all the violence, and make our world a better place with love and peace.
Whats you one weekness
Girls ?
What needs to stop ?
School fighting and $exual violence
What type of people annoy you the most?
Annoying black people that too much
Who was the first girl you fell in love with?
You don't need to know?
What do you wish your parents understood?
That I can take care of myself and old enough to make my own decisions
What is the one thing you do just to annoy other people?
Being good at something that they are sht at?
What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?
What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?
Your mama
How many babygirls do u have
What do u have on your phone that you don't like people going on it ?
None of your business??
What do you never trust?
People going on my phone
Stay awesome ??????
Stay amazing????
What makes you genuinely happy?
Being with my friends, my lady and my family
What is the biggest way people waste money?
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
What is your number one rule?
If u mess with me or anyone I care about, especially in school, ill beat until i see enough blood on the ground.
What should be free, but isn't?
Feelings for one u love, I guess
If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?
No messed up b*tches can touch me?
why are you amazing ?
Idk, I was born that way ?
Last song you listened to ?
Bad Things by MGK
What common thing have you never done?
herb ??
What do you no longer waste time on?
Nm... Some people can just waste my time.
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
Trust, honesty, drunkeness and craziness??
What do you never plan on doing?
Giving up easily
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
What was your biggest waste of money?
Buying food at school
What's the most expensive thing you own?
New Adida shoes
What would you do if you had no fear ?
I have no fear so I would do anything?
When were you the most happy and why?
Idk, I'm always happy for everything
What’s One Thing You Really Wanna Learn How to Do?
Nothing, I'm born a natural ?
Dream Job ?
Civil Engineer
What are you afraid of ?