What will your child's name be ?
Something that isn't common
What was the last lie you told?
I'm happy for you..
What is one thing you wish everyone knew about you?
That I really did care...
Make a confession
I actually hate everybody
What do you want to hate, but can't?
They know who they are ;)
who are you closest to right now?? someone you can tell everything to?
Atm, my bestie Kiara, been getting closer lately, can always count on her to give me advice, even if she has to repeat it a few times!!! #idgaf
What are you tired of?
Everyone's bs
At what point did you realise you are attractive?
Still trying to find that point in life
What would put a smile on your face today ?
More maccas
What will you be doing in next hour ?
What were you not prepared for?
Whats annoying you right now?
What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?
Mine and Tendai's phone calls haha
What was the best thing that happened to you today?
Getting out of the House!!!
What got you upset recently?
Running out of data
you're so pretty kobe
You sure you have the right kobe
What is your current state of mind?
A memory you want to forget ?
There's a lot....
What was your last dream about ?
Getting a puppy
Plans for the new year ?
To be happy......
Top 3 best-friends?
Kiara, Ellen, Bec
What did you get for christmas ?
I think they call it a iphone
What is your biggest fear?
What does your perfect day look like?
Being with someone who makes me smile and laugh even if im in a bad mood.
What turns you off ?
People who smell bad and guys who show off in front of there mates
Top 3 best friends?
Bec, Ellen, Taya
I will! Maybe. If I want to. Do you want me too
Yeah go do it!
But. Your just so pretty
Inbox me mate!
what if I said, I love you??
What if I said, No
Do you love me
No, not anymore
Nah, not gonna tell you. Soz babe
Alright then be like that!
Do you want to know who I am??
Yeah go ahead!!
Do you know who I am??
No, but it would help if you tell me!
my love for you is unconditional xo
Awwwe really thanksxx
No one, your just way gorgeous!
Thank you
Your way too gorgeous omg! :')
Who paid you to say this?
are you and payton cousins? you don't look the same but
We sure are and no we definitely don't look the same aye
you're so pretty kobe! xo
Are you sure you have the right person
Thoughts on me ( jacob dutton
We had our arguments in year 8, but your actually a really nice guy and good to talk to
Guess who I am...
You went to primary school with me
You could me sissy
Tbh I have no clue, but I know you should inbox me!