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Ask or tell me anything you like

128 Replies

Thoughts Bethany1234

pretty funny, your freaking awesome at athlethics aha, great to be around, nice, should chill talk some more, and it will pretty boring at athletics in melbourne with out SAM ahah ;) joking

kodyfox1 replied 3564 days ago 1

Thoughts? (: Jemmstorerxo

pretty, funny, bully me :/ :p , great to be around, need to chill and talk some more :D

kodyfox1 replied 3564 days ago 1

Thoughts Jordancullen1

good as at sports, gun at footy, good to hang with and yeah good mate

kodyfox1 replied 3566 days ago 1

And footy boots tomorow or Wednesday would be great :) sunnydaniel1

funny, pretty, have a pretty good time in classes, should talk sometime and yeah ill bring them tomorow :D

kodyfox1 replied 3596 days ago 1

What time do you sleep?

when ever im hungry

kodyfox1 replied 3608 days ago

What freaks you out ?


kodyfox1 replied 3617 days ago 2

Thoughts ? Holland82

f***** asss **** aha jks, your funny asf, get the chicks ahah ;) , wicked tricker on the huffy berry or something like that. we had some good memories and sometimes chill at jacobs and yeah, should chill sometime soon |/ cat

kodyfox1 replied 3618 days ago

I'm serious, but Id never get you..


kodyfox1 replied 3620 days ago

Sorry mate I bully everyone aha Bethany1234

ahaha of course you do

kodyfox1 replied 3620 days ago 1

Thoughts on teagan keane? :)

dont really know her

kodyfox1 replied 3620 days ago

I think I'm inlove with u.....

mee too

kodyfox1 replied 3620 days ago

Thoughts Bethany1234

fuuny, hot, good snapchats, we have good talks, and you bully me at school and yeah

kodyfox1 replied 3620 days ago 2

Thoughts? :)

funny, ho

kodyfox1 replied 3620 days ago 1

thoughts on
chloe nall
rani green
kailie di Palma

chloe: see her at school seems cool, rani: dont know her that much but yeah seems cool , kailie: talked to her a few times seems cool

kodyfox1 replied 3622 days ago

you never reply.

well who ever it is ill reply this time so just message me

kodyfox1 replied 3622 days ago