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ask me anything

102 Replies

What do you hate about yourself ?

A fair bit

kodyparker2014 replied 3297 days ago

Thoughts on aidan

Really good person to talk to and be around alway making people happy when the are at there worst of times. Overal an amazing friend

kodyparker2014 replied 3305 days ago

the only person that thinks the opposite is your lesbian friend *****

HA my god your ****s cute :)

kodyparker2014 replied 3305 days ago 1



kodyparker2014 replied 3306 days ago

just give up!

Nah :)

kodyparker2014 replied 3306 days ago

Leave Kody alone what she wears and looks like had nothing to do with you!! Why does it even bother you aha leave her alone you ****ed up anon! Bryles.xo

Tah hunni x

kodyparker2014 replied 3306 days ago

Maybe if you ate the load of makeup on your face, you might be pretty on the inside

Ha I don't need to worry what you think or say about me i got people that think the total opposite :)

kodyparker2014 replied 3306 days ago

cakeface *****!

the amount of makeup i choose to wear has nothing to do with you :)

kodyparker2014 replied 3308 days ago

How do you put up with Bryley!?

get lost seriously enough with giving bryley **** you low life piece of **** anon! she doesn't deserve any of this !!!!

kodyparker2014 replied 3308 days ago

Do you have any friends?

I do thanks for your concern :)

kodyparker2014 replied 3315 days ago 1

Cut back on the mascara and eyeliner

nah i'm right :) thanks for your unwanted advice anyways :)

kodyparker2014 replied 3320 days ago

Good job on standing up for yourself.


kodyparker2014 replied 3350 days ago 1

I heard what happend don't worry about people and what they have to say!

Aha Im not worried.. People's lies are funny

kodyparker2014 replied 3350 days ago 1

kody's lashes look amazing your just jealous because she can ge them bold and beautiful x

Thanks beautiful :)!

kodyparker2014 replied 3350 days ago 1

Ur eyelashes look like spider legs

Geeze wonder who this is...

kodyparker2014 replied 3350 days ago 1