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Chill asf
Idk the only ones i talk to really are joanne tamika so them
Hard fkn question, who would date me in year 9??
two best year 8s by far
You can find that out urself :)
Not close with any of them haha seem like cool ppl tho
Said it urself ur a $exy kunt haha
Connor or aaron i swear to god haha
Depends on who u are??
Hahaha true as ayee thx whoever u are :))
Never threatened to hurt her
Still anonomous u pi.ece of s.hit try touch us yeah
Does to me soz hun ask without anonomous then ill consider it
Marc evan kira caleb thats nuff said
Probs kira and some others that im not close enough too to say hahah
Id rather not
He is hilaruous NO HES A BABE
Jeffrey piss off
Lets not talk about that u and whoever u are probs some f** year 8 we never threatenned to hit girls. Oh wait yes we did we said we were gonna hit the year 8 boys, like how u say it anonomously too u little p.u.s.s.y
Idk but there are a few lookers ;)
Hilarious memories hahahah
Idk nathan and sammy im already close too i guess tamika but we r pretty close i think haha
Better education and dad
Vals pretty and paris i look at like a sister sooo
Mary thats it
Idk too many ayye
Tamika, Nathan, SAMMY!!!!
U r an actual legend i actually love u so much
awesome person miss her heaps ;)
Cool chick, but f LGP! HAHA Nah she is pretty chill
Beast at soccer and a beast at life.
okk will do soz bb :)
I luv you too i guess....
Reaaally awesome girl who is amazing to talk to, like a sister to me :)
BEST MATES at highvale : George, Jarryd, Trav, Jacko, Werle
Really cool chicks miss them :)
$exiest man alive!!
From Highvale: George, Nathan Straf, Jarryd , Josh Mcgowan, Nick Smith, Trav, Erik, Jacko, Bailey, Josh Walker, Thomo, Jakie, Peyman, Wilson, CESC: Rajan, Ethan, Ibi, Vaughn, Dayne, Eliezer, Zakk Other: Ajay, Jeffrey
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WHHHUUUUEEEYYYY Funniest person i have ever met hahaha