Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
She's one of my best friends , I absolutely adore her and ill never let anyone or anything come between us, I Havnt had a friendship this strong in a while and she means the world
Whoever this is I'm sure you're absolutely perfect and flawless! I do need makeup seriously lots of it xxx
You know what this one of the most beautiful things anybody has ever said to me, I actually have tears in my eyes! Please message me it would mean the world for someone like this to be there for me honestly xxx
maybe I will. wonder how you sleep at night you sick excuse of a person
naw cute as
feel free to :') awh
Aw you :') xx x
Oh you
Did ya?
Aw so sweet! xxx
Wouldn't you like to know
:') this made me smile means the world
I'm really not ! But aw so sweet! I'm sure you're perfect!
Brady, Jayden, Joel , will , Adam, Charlie , Aidan , Brandon, Sean , sam
Tayla Rogers, Hollie wornes, shelby cottier, Emily Williamson , lily pickles, lilly reeves Sarah chandler cassie gibbs maddi snell and Ashleigh Gould
My legs are disgusting :( who is this ?!?
obviously and quite clearly you are a ****wit! Brooke's not even a **** she's had *ex once you ****head so how does that even make her anywhere near a ****! Maybe you should stop being so ****ing judgemental and you'd know how much of an amazing girl that girl is! I don't even have to justify why I'm friends with her obviously it is very clear she's one of my best friends and I love her to pieces call her a **** again and ill find you and make you bite the gutter and stomp on your head ;) hahaha nah but **** off m8 seriously x x x
Julia Sarah Britt Brooke and Emma > don't care if there younger! Issy Walsh Romee Bridgette gab and Georgia :)
no! So many people have asked this the cheeky boy put in there himself last night :) stress less gals his still single
One of the hottest what's? Awh so sweet though! xxx
maggie Reid , Molly mackinlay, Courtney Lloyd
This is so beautiful! Made me smile so much :') obviously you're a very gorgeous person! Xxx
Awh :') so cute
well go on inbox me
This is so beautiful :') you have no idea how much this means to me and how much it made my night I can't even explain! You're obviously a very beautiful person inside and out
Omg look at yourself baby! You're perfect
Yeh bby
probably Romee and me just want everything to be back to normal miss her :(
probably Jayden :)
Bronson meehan Jayden McMillan Connor ranking josh bolitho Isaac Williams Zac Gray Charlie Jackson josh minogue Sean swinnerton Dylan pegler
Of course I do! we dated for 4 months had a thing for about 3 that boy was a big part of my life and he will always have a place in my heart !
That is so not true! But how cute of you
why does it matter ):
I think this is adorable! Should probably inbox me awh :')
well they can if they like ? I don't bite :( inbox me!
to many beautiful people take there lives at such a young age ! Nobody realise how difficult it is and nobody should ever call anybody an "attention seeker" because that's so not true. I think it's so good!
Wow this made my night :') it does get to me sometimes but in the end I'm a better person! Thank you so much! Inbox me x x
Awh :') so sweet
aw so cute
Because that's obviously what somebody wanted to name it duuuuuuuh
Aw I'm sure you are :') inbox me!
Actually love that girl hehe :') she makes me laugh so much such a gorgeous girl so easy to get along with and love being around her
aw aw ! No way but thank you hehe! Boys are gay tbhhhhh
OMG tell me who this is :') hehe so sweet
aw this is so sweet xx
Wow this is so cute! Whoever this is inbox me! Means the world and more x x x
Aw i just love tillie! We've become so close since lavi netball and she never fails to make me smile ! Love being around her and just so glad to have the little cutie in my life :')
Very far from it! But I'm sure you are thank you so much xx
Whoever this is you're a beautiful person! Thank you so much xxx
Wouldn't you like to know heheh
We had a little fight but we've started talking again and it's the best feeling :')
I'm very far from it I'm sure you're perfect
What t***ies ?
Aw :') who is this! I'm sure you're one of my beautiful best friends and I love you loads more xoxoxo
I'm not sure who this is but this is so gorgeous of you, thank you so much it means alot to me.
:') thank you so much it means the world
Thank you , you're obviously a gorgeous person means the world
Thank you ; you seem like such an amazing person means the world .
I love you to beautiful! Thank you so much means the world xoxox
Awh awh! No way but thank you Obviously hehe, it's my life
Wouldn't you like to know ;)
Who? And to be honest that's really rude , I'm sure he is a nice guy .
I don't know you tell me :') hehe
would it ? You're so cruel how can you be so mean
Whoever this is , you are a beautiful person thank you so much
How bad would you feel if I actually took my life because of this?
Mol is such a beautiful girl inside and out manages to stay strong even when she is feeling so down , I actually admire her for the amazing girl she is , she's always there for me whenever I need her and never fails to make me smile! I just love her .
I don't actually know .. I haven't lost that much I think it's because I got taller and just fitness at netball training!
but it's killing me :( I want to know hehe
I'm sorry I was getting there :(
wow are you ****ing retarded she's one of my best friends you **** and how is it embarrassing that I'm best friends with one of the hottest *****es in albury hahaha how pathetic ! Everybody loves Brittany so I'm sure you're just a jealous little **** who is jealous of something Britt has and you don't , secondly she is not a ***** considering she has never had *ex, so if you would like to continue talking **** about my Britty gal then i will find you and probably stab you mutt , thanks hehe xoxo
Maybe you should give specsavers a call! But thank you you gorgeous person xxx
But this is killing me tell me who! :( is this the same person that asked me if I was a ***** ?! Haha who who who is this! I will reply I pinky promise
:') thank you this is so nice, inbox me hehe
well um clearly because I want him to be my friend? And tbh Michael is a gay **** for hitting him and Kane still won Michael hit him when he wasn't even ready so ner your gay go away xxx
uh no, I wasn't , we were good for each other but if anyone was to good for anyone he was to good for me :)
Hahahaha! Oh we'll I'm sorry continue
Awww how sweet of you, I'm sure you are very much good enough!
Stop now its getting annoying
I do man it's okay
It's okay ill forgive you
Nathan neagle** such a nice boy been through so much in his life and still manages to stay strong, doesn't care what anyone thinks about him and is just so good to be around, always making me laugh. Been there for me through a bit and such a cutie :)
The questions asked on here
Because clearly I have never had *ex
Wouldn't you like to know
We were close then had a massive falling out and like hated each other but finally where getting close again and have sorted everything out which is good , have missed him quite a bit :)
Mm probably not aye?
I don't know ask him?
I don't exactly count ? Haha