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Ask me anything you like anonymously

15 Replies

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

Never at all. When I help someone I help them because I believe in them as a person and have faith in them. I just do it out of love and I dont mind if I get anything back.

kristaanne replied 3858 days ago

dont we all but iam sure cruz will be out before you no it though

yeahh :) he will be out of jail soon, I can't wait haha.

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

Yeah i was like holly hell great friends or whoever sent that in.. and i know sweetie you just look after yourself be happy and live your life and probably not much darl how about yourself?

Wow really? I don't know how people could find out considering I didn't really tell anyone. Nothing at all really, Wanna hang out? :) x

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

its damo i just thought i would pop in to see what is happening and i see all this private questions and to think that these people are on your fb

I Know mate absoulately ridiculous. It always has something to do with cruz & my personal life & it ****s me hahah. What can I say, I have a lot of haters.

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

why cant those other messages be on facebook people ****ing hell she said cheer her up not ask questions about her awesome as boyfriend

completely agree to whoever this is. :)

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

I love ya krista s*cks ya don't live here its rachy and people sure know a lot about someone when it can be asked anonymously hey such rude pricks

Yes so true specially when it was about my pregnancy. I love you to sweet pea. Aww i'm sure it's okay without me there, it will get better sweetie :) I'll be sure to pop by still and see you. What you doing this weekend?

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

we talked a couple of times but it was only in class

true :)

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

Were you ever pregnant because a lot of people were saying you only said it so cruz wouldn't leave you in fact he was excited to be a dad

this is very private. I was but I had a miscarriage. A lot of people talk **** hunny, I wouldn't lie about a pregnancy and cruz would never have left anyway regardless of whether I was pregnant or not.

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

no i didnt i thought it would wreck our friendship even though we dont hang out

Lol okay. we never talked or anything?? haha.

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

yeah we did

awww, did you ever think about telling me?? Cruz has changed for the better. :)

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

i yous to like you in year 11 and than got with that cruz guy that looks like a trouble maker so i just gave up but to this i wish you were mine

really? that's sweet. did we go to the same school?

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

How longs he in jail for

Not sure, find out Friday!

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

Why are you such a crazy *****?

why are you so gutless to post it annoynmous? hahaha.

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

Why did Cruz go to jail? :(

involved in armed robbery, he was just an accessory but because of his past he got sent away. It's hard to talk about, I thought nobody really knew but everybody knows so hard to keep it a secret.

kristaanne replied 3859 days ago

What is missing in your life?

what's missing in my life, Trick question! think it would have to be my boyfriend at the moment and my bestfriend!

kristaanne replied 3863 days ago