Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I would change the way I saw love. I would change the way I reacted to certain things. I wouldn’t have kissed certain people😂. I also would stop myself from chasing after something that I knew was useless😂I wish I could change the past so I would have no beef with anyone. Specially cos I go to a small school like Priory.
But you see, I’ve made mistakes and I’ve learnt. I think I’ve changed a lot cos of that. Made me a stronger person
My favorite fishy person❤️ I love her so much❤️
You’re such an amazing person❤️ I love you❤️
I love you❤️
Yes Ben? I would love to go shopping with you ?❤️
Well Shannon, Kelly and Tayla are my mains. Lia is my long distance friend whom I miss a lot. I’ve got many other important people in my life who have got me through a lot. Like Hannah White and Alyssa have got me through a very rough time in my life. My sister is also my best friend. I am very close with my family. James Huntly is also a close friend of mine. So is Liam Bouverie. I trust Mika Bester the most. Bradley is super kind and I can always count on him. There are so many other amazing people in my life. If you want me to talk about someone you know then qooh me again x
Thank you?❤️
And you’re still a little boy with no life. Just remember, btchs come in all shapes and sizes. Now do yourself a favor and leave me alone. Okay? Maybe I’m fat.. but at least I’m not a 40 year old looking boy with a cringy username like yours trying to bring little girls down. Get a life.
That’s irrelevant. And thank god I’m not your btch. Actually, I’m not anyone’s btch. So keep your childishness to yourself. Jeepers dude what happened in your life that made you feel intitled to say rude things on a 15 year olds qooh me? You’re quite pathetic lol.
Being a dck is a choice. I don’t need you to think I’m beautiful. You’re opinion doesn’t matter to me. Quite frankly you’ve waisted your time calling a 15 year old girl ugly. That proves that you’re a terrible human who really needs to go to church to pray. You need Jesus.
Do you chose to wake up an A$$hole or is that just the way you are?
Thank you❤️
Thank you❤️?
I want to win the talent show with James. I want to take my singing to another level. I want to start writing more. I want to fix all my relationships. I want to be myself. I want to be able to be myself and not care about what others think of me. And yes. There’s more but I can’t go out publicly about it yet.
Oh golly !?❤️
Of course I do?❤️
Oh my gosh??❤️
Dankie girly? I got your back x
Well we both kinda came to a conclusion that we didn’t need negativity and how we were both happy and yea.. but I know she’s going through a real rough time now so I’m here if she needs me?
I love you too❤️?
I love you so much❤️
Cos I love someone else
Ah okay I like someone tho x
Tricky question?At the end of the day you choice shouldn’t be based on that stuff. If you like a guy and feel a solid connection with him, then go for it.
Huh.. no? I’m just going to St francis lol
Thank you❤️
Juliet you’re in the same room as me. You can tell me that in person lol❤️
Yes. I’m not telling anyone tho
Oh shucks sometimes I forget that? At least both my faces are beautiful? Honey go find something better to do with your time lol. You’re not dragging me down. Hehe. Sorry not sorry. I don’t think I’m innocent hahahahaha. I love youuuu! I hope you have a great day. (I’m not gonna hate anymore) I think we should be friends. Besties for eva!! Lots of kisses for you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love you bestie!
Nah I love Priory.❤️ it’s just the girls can be a bit two faced...?
Tough question. When you find yourself thinking about the person 24/7. All you wanna to is impress them and grab their attention.
Ey eyyy?❤️ Plans soooon x
Beautiful big eyes❤️
Well actually Mika Bester. I’ve trusted him with a lot of my secrets and even tho we aren’t a thing anymore I know that he can still be trusted. I have lots of respect for him tbh.
Bruski chill? I’ve gotta strange sense of humor that not many people can relate to. Sorry if I offended you x
Is it really anyone’s business? No.
He’s pretty coollll.
She’s pretty darn coolll eyy? We went to primary school together. Yea she never fails to make me laugh or smile. Trust me you wanna get to know her. She’s quite the catch❤️
Nah not in that order. I would get to know you probably then if I feel as if we could work I would give us a shot. Idk who you are sorry x
Yea he just thought little of himself. I only wish good on him tbh. He deserves better than treating himself badly. Yea pretty much.
Tbh I would help cos imma stupid lil girl and I care about people a lot? Even if they’ve done wrong I still care. I’ll always care and I feel like that’s something people don’t know about me.
Yea we were but like nothing was official you know? Like I did have feelings for him but it just didn’t work out.
We were never even together.
This was such a long time ago? Bru idk actually why we broke up but it was really long ago hey?
I wonder who’s asking? I’ve known him since grade 5 when I first got my phone. I had this massive crush on him. We kinda drifted for awhile and we started talking more this year. He’s a pretty cool guy❤️ He’s my best friend’s neighbour
Blake is so sweet and amazing but nothing happened.
Definitely moved on x
Okay hun. You can say whatever you want to. I know what’s right. I don’t need other people to tell me what I’m doing wrong okay? Quite frankly you probably know nothing about what’s going on. You just want to cause drama cos you have nothing else to do with your pity life. So get the hell out of my qooh me. I want to move on from all of this but everyone is making it pretty damn hard
Amazing person❤️ Wish we spoke more❤️
Thank you sm❤️
Awww❤️ No?
My mama
Nah but I’m very pee shy so I understand the struggle?
Definitely not my Shanwanggg❤️
Idk who are you are, but I’m sure I love you❤️
Thank you sm❤️ It was so much fun!
Just for you❤️
So are you❤️ Dm me❤️
Well I would love to get to know you but it’s a pity I don’t know your name? Please. Please. Dm me?
Actually I disagree. I am not fake. If anything I’m the opposite. If you would actually have the decency to meet me in person and find out who I actually am as a person, I can guarantee you would feel otherwise. I am literally the bubbliest person in the world. At the end of the day I don’t care about your opinion of me.
Bruski can everyone please chill their panties. It’s nobody’s business weather I have feelings for someone or not. If I like or have a crush on someone it’s supposed to be a cute thing. It’s not supposed to be everyone running up to you asking if you have feelings for the other person. Ugh please just mind your own flipping business.
If he was cute I think I would know him?
Grade 8?❤️ thank you?
Idek like just google it really that’s what I did❤️ But just dm me and I’ll give you all the cool thingys❤️Cos there’s lots?
Can I marry you?❤️
So are you❤️
I love you to granny?❤️
Eyy adult?? What you up to?
I'm to self conscious? Soz? This is actually quite funny?
I'm not really physically strong? Thank you so much?
Awww thank you❤️I don't know what people you're talking about❤️
Clarendon Park
Clarendon Park
People talking behind your back
Aww thank you❤ I like to stay positive❤ The grade 9s are flipping cool❤ And they aren't as scary as the grade 12s ?
Absolutely love it ❤
Okay I'll probably help you up or if I have my phone call emergency services
Thank you so much❤ I'm sure you are to❤
Who's Kareena? I only know this really amazing girl named Kaweena❤
Please please please dm me❤ I want to meet new people x
I don't want to judge people according to what others say cos I wouldn't want anyone to think badly of me because of people gossiping❤
Negative I would love to though❤