Tbh Rochelle McGill
Don't really know her
Thoughts on Leo?
Spunky boy
Do you have a thing with someone
Leo hotrod
Don't know that name sorry ://
Is Adam Watson really really cool? And is he your favourite out of Aaron's mates?
how are you
Alright I spose wbu??
Attractive year 10s at patto?
Who are your brothers coolest friends?
None they think they're cool :p
5 closest friends?
Alannah leo olivia dion clare
Friend you cannot live without?
My true friends :)
Is Adam awesome?
He sure is!!!
Who are you dating?
Not kaine Johnston :)
wow you should be studying but your posting your qooh.me instead what a rebel
Lol yea that's me :pp
Guy best friend?
Andy and dion :))
your smile is so annoying
Heheh idc :))
Would you do an***
No way
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Yeah haha
Who you dating? Are you happy wif him
Kaine and yes I am!
Who was your childhood best friend?
the bottom
I understand haha
fav calla crums?
Lis n luc
How much do you love Tia pontonio ???! Xx
Not a lot :pp
Tbh on rachael roberts?
Such a lovely girl!!
What upsets you?
School and people
Someone you're missing right now?
You bub
What is your nickname?
How long would you like to live for?
Forever but never get old :)))
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money.
Hahah all g :)
What is success to you?
Why do you need brightening up ? You always seem down lately ...
Ive been happy? I just have my days :)
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
Tbh maddie hart xx
Known her since primary school, so hot n nice xx
Anne-Marie ur bff?
Yeah obvs???
Coolest friend
Mmm tuff one probs dion
prettiest year 8s
Brooke, Taylah and maddie.h
You are the most beautiful, exotic and stunning girl
Aw hunny
You're pretty *exy.. Wanna meet up ;) kainejohnston
Yeah place n time n I'll be there
The most boring person you know?
Kaine :)
tbh on tay roach xx
Such a nice and stunning girl from what I know of xx
sniff my butt and call me Samantha
Ok :)
Someone you miss?
You babe
5 attractive guys in year 11 at patto?
Charlie Logan max
Are you with kaine today?
No why?
Text me you know who this is ;)
ahah no I don't?? Text me :p
top 5 guy favs?
Kaine, Andy, Lauren, dion, max, Charlie, logs
year 10
I love them all but
Lauren, alannah, erin, clare, olivia, tia
how can I be more specific??? just who are your favs??
What year
top 5 gals at patto???
Be more specific coz I can't narrow it down!
thoughts on pat lhuillier?
Good to talk too and so nice!
1000th post xx lets do it
Congrats xx
hottest year 10 boys
Ummm they're all gorgeous
Do you 3moke
Nah I don't 1moke, 2moke, 3moke, 4moke etc :)
We actually have met. In your sleep
Oh now I remember !!
WE can cover each other in gravy
Yeah look maybe some other time :)
Did you know when you shake hands with someone that your hands make a baby? That would be the most action I will ever get from a girl.
I shook 2 ppls hands today, **** not good :///
Hello This is Chad. We haven't meet but I have been looking at all of your pictures and I think you are very attractive. I hope one day we can meet and maybe shake hands and maybe if I'm lucky...... hug!!!!!!!!!!!
Babe I'd be the lucky one, asif we haven't meet!!!
How you doing
Pretty good, wbu ??
Hey shawty let me hit you up sometime and we can go get some KFC and kool aid
Heck yea lets do it !!
Think about it......... Stuff a nice long orange carrot up someones butt
Thinking about it... And I think you need help lol
If you could date on person in the world who would it be
Kaine maybe probably
I heard you s*ck good ****. Is that true?
Sorry I don't speak astrix ???
Why do you hangout with Olivia she's chat
Yeah ikr???
If you could stick a carrot in someones butt, who would it be?
Hmm tough choice :p
Anyone you miss now?
Lauren and andrew
Your source of happiness?
How much is enough money for you?
Can never have enough money
Are you still with kaine?
Yep :)
Who makes you happy?
Already answered
You're so dumb
Shut up I'm in maths methods lol
i'll take that as a maybe?
I didn't say that hamish
I actually think you're so *exy like omg, if you were single enough said
Hahah aw well I'm happily taken☺️
Sure is gal xx
Love you twinny!
Who was the first person you dated?
Alannah since prep <3 love of my life
Love you twin
Is this krissy? Love you too!!
it seems like you pushed max out and just rather logan and charlie in your group.
No I love max❤️❤️ I would never want him to feel left out
What do you think about the most?
Get single ;)
Rather not :)
you and kaine are so cute
Thank you hehe
thoughts on the log Dr.
Fav, love him❤️