What's ur insta ?
Lol? kxylx_r , who r u btw?
Kaylaaaaaaa I miss youuuu
Who is this lol?
Sa bruhhh accounting murdered me dog?
Sa dudeee ?sameeee bro , I think it murdered all of us ?
Single of taken?
Single ;)
Lol , I don't know a Jason??
You cute man
Thanks hey?❤
Have you ever been on a trip where they pulled over for the guys to have a pee but wouldn't stop at a bathrooms for the girls?
That has literally never happened to me and I don't think it will anytime soon lmao?
You taken yet or can I dm you ❤
Lol , dm ?
Do you know Justine Gower?
No , she's only my best friend lol??
Ella casi ni sale, la traicionó el amor
Tiene par de amistade', pero no quiere relación
Lol , baila ?
Wassup amigooo ?❤
Are you the shy and innocent type?
I guess you could say that lol but I'm not that shy tbh??
How real are you? ?
Ummm idk very real?
Celeb crush
Tom Holland or Noah Centineo???
Who do you like?
I dunno hey , someone??
Do you have a Valentine?❤
Happy Valentine's day amigo??❤
Thanks amigo , you tooooo❤❤
ABest friends????!!!
Yip?I have quite a few though ?
Are u with Luke now?
Nope , we're just friends
Go study doofnut???
Take care of Griffin, of you hurt him you'll really regret it, okay?
Lol ok but me and Griffin aren't even together sooo ya?
Who do you want your Valentine to be??
Idk? , someone that I like??❤
Ops on your friends
(Btw im bord)
Ayyyy , my friends are literally the most awesome peeps on earth .They're hella funny , weirdos ?,and they always make my day?❤?
You post a lot damn
Lol , ikr?but it's better than not posting at all?
Who you like/got an eye on?
I like someoneeee??❤
hey best friend thanks for my cakeee?
love youuuu ❤️❤️ justyy.g
Heyy bestie thanks for my waffles ?they were da bestttt?love youuuuu❤❤❤
Who do you like?
Idk bro??
Have you ever been on a bus trip where the girls got mad because there was no opportunity to pee?
Lol noooooo??
If you could turn someone into a toilet would you?
Lmao, nooooo??
You got a valentine?
Are you asking who they are lmao??
Anyway I have more than one so yaaa?❤❤
Geloooo amigo
Geloooo amigooo??❤
I like you
Ok then
Say it to my face x??
From the beningin ??❤❤
Hud pineapple
Hud bananananana??❤
What is necessary to have a good relationship?
Trust , honesty , good communication, both people in the relationship have to be respected , loyalty , love and affection , you should be able to tell the other person just about anything andddd you both need to be happy ❤❤❤???
Kayla brooo, thanks for being a good friend❤? Alisxn_s
Aliiii, thanks for being such an amazing friend ❤❤?
Hey dear cousin of mine , plans soon❤❤
Who do you like?
Someone ??
Ullo mate , 'ow u doin
Ullo old chap , spiffing day??why are we like this?
How are you today?
I'm doing great thanks??
Good morrow cuz ??
Tis a good day cuz❣
Do you think Jason is hot?
Ayyyy,all these questions about Jason.I hardly know him and idk??
What's Jason's surname?
Van Niekerk , why?
Do you think I could go out w/ u?
Idk , who are you first??
What do u want for Christmas?
Hmmmm probably a new phone and air pods??
Nommer asseblief❤
No thanks I'm good
What's your favourite day of the year??
Would you ever date Jason?
Dudeee hell no , I don't even know him ??
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend couldn't pee at a gas station/rest stop because guys could hear?
Nope never
Whose jason
Ahh no one he just started talking to me on insta but I don't actually know him
I kinda like you but I'm too scared to dm you
Don't be scared , just dm me ??
Miss you soooo much fabu best fraaandddd❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Misssssss youuuuu tooooo , plans soon mousie ?????
Celeb crush?
Tom Holland ????
Are you vibing with anyone rn?
Maybe ???
On instagram, what is your first impression of __regaljourdan__ , the queen of all queens? ??????♀️
She's quite a good dresser?
Would you let a stranger to kiss you?
Nope ?
Rollerskating , playing the guitar , attempting to skateboard , dancing , and eating chocolate
(I know that's not actually a hobby)
Do u like cats / dogs? Jason_T
Dogs for LIFEEE ?
Why is this love thing so hard? ?
Ikr , I have no idea?❤
Who's your favourite singer/band? Jason_T
Either One Direction or Queen!!!!!!❤❤❤❤
When do u finish school?
Next Wednesday #yasssssss ?
I lost my number , can I have yours?
Lol ??not those again?
Are you vibing with anyone and who?
Yep , dm me and I'll tell you ?
What are some qualities of the person you want to grow old with❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Although looks are important, they must have an amazing personality , they must be loyal , kind , funny and quite a good dresser?
Do you like horrors?
Yeah , they're ok I guess ?
Fav movie rn
I'm gonna go with Venom ?
What's your fav food?
Ever been neck kissed?
Are you dating anyone rn?
Nope ??
Are you vibing with anyone?
Maybe ??
I'm in looooovvvvveeeee with youuu
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
When are you posting again?
I just did now❤
I think it's gonna be a good night , I think I just met my wife ❣
Good for you ???
What's your full name and surname?
And middle name if u have ❣
How's you bf doing?
Don't have one ??
Least fav exam?
Accounting bruh , that showed me flames ??to quote Lasizwe "that paper showed me my mother dancing with Michael Jackson" ???????
When's you bday?
*your ?
18 September
You look like my future???
Mmmhmmm keep dreaming ?