What's missing in your life ?
cash dola
Rate yourself out of 10
What type of people bore you ?
people that don't reply fast :,(
What do you hate about yourself ?
nothing, I'm mint
What do you want right now ?
Are you a selfish person ?
yeah make everything about myself sorry xx
Out of your squad, who do you most relate to
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
keeping up with the lissie
Thoughts on Oscar
it's a hard life being ninth :'(
If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?
alyssa can do my surds
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
alicia bright red hair
How do you want to end 2014 ?
How long do you want to live?
1/2 month
What would you suggest everyone try ?
alyria taylor
The most unreliable person you know ?
Biggest regret?
nothing :)
The most expensive item you own?
my b*m hole
haters are my vibrators alyssak
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
ya, bc I can
Known you for so long used to be really close great to talk to but don't talk much anymore should talk more :)
Don't talk that often seen like a really nice person :)
Thoughts husband alyssak
Havn talked in a while bc I've been hibernating but you are really funny and good to talk to :)
Babadiginal u r a kewl 1 don't really talk much anymore but your great to talk to
someone you havnt talked to in a while?
willy frown the f*****
thoughts on louise dowling abusing a pregnant girl and continuing to abuse her after she miscarries ??
sorry for the stupid question but tbh i think its fowl that louise says shes done nothing wrong lol
TF is that
got sum dream catchers
And some insence
What turns you off in a person ?
wait oops didn't realise i already sent one lol i just wanted to call you a boo*. c.mcrae
What do you hate most in people?
Either when they use you or when you help someone through something big and then they just leave you. Alone. In the dark. With no light. Bc that's what dark is. All black. Dark.
What freaks you out ?
Qeefs head
Anon u are so cool
Shane Crawford you are the sickest going
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
My phone
What annoyed you today?
Jamie baker
Name a person you lied to today
Leesh da qeef
Thoughts, Kylie? allyjov
Haven't talked in a while but ily. Still one of my bestfriends yea and funny and noice :)
Friend you cannot live without?
Have you ever farted in public?
2 minutes ago
What are you really good at?
Calling Emma Edwards while I'm sleep walking & talking
Does Barney rape kids?
Who are you dating?
If you could be famous for anything what would it be?
I'd be the new k-pop superstar :')
My phone Wby?
Who would you like thank today and what for?
Definantly not the teacher bc I get sent out for sitting 'un natural' sort urself ✋
Who do u like?
Alyria tay is my lover
Top 5 yr9 girls?
Emma, Tilly, Brittany
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
top 5 yr8 girls?
Lilly Jovana ally Sharnah alyria
Top 5 girl yr 7s?
Scarlett, geo and idk
Do you care about what people think of you?
No :')
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Talkin to you
How do u no carter Ramsay
Just do why?
No that was me hehe I just wasn't logged in alyssak
Mate I wouldn't be cute with anyone I'm already cute on my own
Is this ally
Who do you think would be cute with
Ally: not sure tbh Kira: Jamie or bryden alyssa: jye jye: alyssa Lilly: jay lily: brad Alicia: lachie w
Fav girls atm?
Probs lil b, alex and jevener
Who was your childhood best friend?
Lil b boy
Last time you cried?
Couldn't stop cryin when I was born it was pretty funny
Have a thing with anyone?
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
Jamie curry
What is your nickname?
Kylie -.-