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164 Replies

Are you and Chloe official now

we are dedicated and in love

kyralaine replied 3378 days ago

Is someone a troll that can't be for real, abusing you for having an opinion this is so pathetic it makes me laugh, whoever you are if you feel the need to attack someone with strong opinions and drive you need to stfu

hahahaha! How silly is it!? I know exactly the type of person they are by their comments though so it's pretty satisfying to see I've gotten under their skin. Hope they spend time praying misfortune upon me ahaha

kyralaine replied 3379 days ago

Hahahaha most retarded person below. If they have a problem with anything she posts, DELETE YOU, so simple goddamn.
And kyra keep doing what youre doing youre great.

haha cheers bud :) Idiots errywheree! Always will x

kyralaine replied 3379 days ago

Well your opinion is highly unwanted. Nobody actually listens to you. The only reason I'm making mention of this is because people are getting sick of the droning sound of your voice, like your not even saying anything productive. So STFU

Aw, that's actually so sad to see you're trying to pull the 'me and multiple other people' card. I've obviously offended you with one of my opinions (which I might add was exactly my intention) however IF there are actually other numb-skulls like yourself who don't like my posts then you are exactly the type of idiots I'm trying to offend. Get on the side of human rights or get out of my way :) Ps you literally sound like a sooky 14 year old writing this stuff here, please try to learn how to conduct yourself in a reasonable and mature manner; we aren't in High School any more (not that it was even acceptable back then). x

kyralaine replied 3379 days ago

Why do you have to have a pathetic opinion on absolutely everything? You need to learn to shut your mouth once in a while lol

Because I have this lil thang called a noggin :) On another note I am literally laughing at you.

kyralaine replied 3380 days ago

Why do you post your religious views on Facebook?

Why would i deliberately conceal my views on religion when I so openly discuss my views on other controversial subjects??

kyralaine replied 3380 days ago

You are so empowering! Never change :)

Thank you! Can't promise that I won't change but I can promise that I'll always do my best! :)

kyralaine replied 3383 days ago

What do you want right now ?


kyralaine replied 3387 days ago

Have you ever listened to joe rogans podcasts? I think youd find them interesting. Whats your view on phsycsdelics?

Not yet actually, I think they've been recommended to me though- I'll have to take a look. I think that whatever you choose to put into your body is 100% your choice however personally I don't enjoy them (at least at this stage of my life). As most would know, I'm not 'against' any kind of drug so to that extent I have no problem with psychedelics. I think that my main opinion would be that it seems you need to be quite self aware before you do them so that you can have some idea of the direction the trip will take you ie. good or bad.

kyralaine replied 3387 days ago

U hav always been kind hearted & strong minded. Ppl may hav judged, but u never let it get u down. Inspiration. U've always been beautiful & bright, so happy to hav seen u grow even if it's ova fb. U're 1 of a kind in the most wonderful way.

Thank you so much, genuinely. People's judgements secretly did get me down in the past though, especially when I was younger and used to lay all my cards on the table but throughout the past few years I've gotten to know myself a lot better & have accepted myself to the point that I don't feel I need others acceptance to thrive any more (although compliments like this never hurt haha!). Thanks again, so nice to hear feedback like that :)

kyralaine replied 3387 days ago

What do you think about prostitution?

I don't think women should be looked down upon or belittled for working as prostitutes because they are in a more difficult line of work than most of us could imagine; However I don't think it is a desirable line of work for anybody to be in as it is extremely objectifying and being objectified never has a positive effect on a person. I don't believe that the *ex trade(or at least the *ex trade as it currently is) should exist but i believe that making it illegal would be even worse. I would love to have a proper discussion about this with whoever you are so feel free to bring it up again. It is a very complex issue which has many points/angles to debate.

kyralaine replied 3387 days ago

If a man opened a door for you to be chivalrous would you be angry

If he'd do the same for any other person walking behind him I'd be happy. If it was specifically because I was a woman I'd find it irritating.

kyralaine replied 3387 days ago

So every non-feminist is irrelevant?

No but anyone who understands feminist ideologies and hates them is irrelevant to me.

kyralaine replied 3425 days ago

I hate all your feminist ideologies but that dosnt necessarily mean I hate you for having them

hahaha, To be honest, I couldn't give a **** if people like you hated me, in fact I'd actually feel a sense of glee from the thought of it. if you hate all feminist ideologies then I don't actually 'hate' you but would definitely consider you as irrelevant in my life and not expect much of a positive contribution to come from you on important human rights/social issues

kyralaine replied 3426 days ago

why do people perceive you as misandrist?

I don't think many do and the ones that would think that obviously don't pay attention to what I post, think feminism is a *exist movement or are just a bit silly hahaha

kyralaine replied 3426 days ago