What's making you feel down at the moment?
Not really sure tbh
Nevermind the fact that my last comment was disregarded...
So 12 inches is the best you can do?
I prefer linger blades but you can so a lot with 12 inches of cold sharp metal
Why stop at 12?
Any edgier and it just becomes vestigial
What's the edgiest thing?
Whats ur exs name? The tall guy wit glasses? Why d u brake up?
Tall guy with glasses? Storm rarely wears his glasses from what i can remember...
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
Life my dude
But DINOSAURS. And all the extinct animals. DODO
But think of all the animals in Heaven
But humansssss
This isn't Hell. This is worse than Hell, and you know it. Not only are the humans miserable, so is everything else
I'm only here temporarily for the animals
But wouldn't making them unhappy make you happy? Isn't that your Heaven?
Yes that's why I'm content in Hell
Because we will dress you up so God doesn't recognise you. Just a fake mustache and some glasses, maybe a wig and hat
Not really sure i wanna sneak in tbh, there's a lot of humans there roaming free... i'm not overly fond of humans but especially not when they're happy
No you're Lucifer, you're an angel, you're from Heaven
How do you know that but not know that God won't let me back
Mind if I take you with me when I leave? Take you back to heaven?
Yeah you heard me. You and your small chesticles. Wouldn't mind choking on them
Please leave ?
Wouldn't it say "Danger, small parts"?
U wot m8
If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?
Stay away
I need to talk to u..but m not finding u on Instagram..help me.
Why do you need to talk?
Got many creeps asking to talk to you?
Do you have many plans for the holiday?
Other than try to improve my standard of living? Not really
Forensic psychologist or a crimimal profiler
can I have your phone number
Depends on if i can trust you, also I'm not putting it up here where anyone can see
why are you amazing ?
Anyone specific you want to cure your boredom?
Hey u r sooo beautiful ? I love ur adorable eyes? desainishant
Haha aw thank you ??
How many eggs can you hold at once?
Between 48-52
Nahh I don't think it would. And neither do you
Haha yeah true
Would be a shame if someone could cure that boredom won't it hehe
Got a cure for your boredom hehe
Uh ohhhhhhh
So you're bored huh? ;)
No ???
Oh look what I found hehehe
Uh ohhhhh
Yep. And hey, they could have some fun down there for you too ;)
Once a month they get a week long meal
You know technically vampires could survive off that blood alone
Would you let a vampire eat you out?
Last song you listened to ?
Fangs by Matt Champion
Happy birfday
Happy birfday to you too
Hah, just a social experiment. Totally don't want to call you mummy... Hah...
Please yes ;)
Woah, pranked
Yes mummy? You want to call me boi while I call you mummy?
Pls no
So I can't call you mummy in the bedroom?
Really? All the stuff in Bruce's mansion is black, and you have the same build as him, plus the same facial hair. You sure?
No one. Is that you Bruce?
Who are you?
Batman. Who are you?
Is that a problem? And aren't you too? Well, bi at least?
Haha no, it was a joke anyway. Yeah i am that's why i jokingly call other people gay
Life is Strange 2 has been announced
Yeah you are a cutie patootie. I smile when I see you because you are
Lol ur gay
Have you heard the news?
What news specifically?
Don't think you're cute? Don't want to talk?
No i do not. I will talk if you want
Hi cutie
You must have the wrong person, have a good day though
Don't you mean Dank?
Favourite anime?
Thomas the Tank Engine
Do you want a fidget spinner?
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
that a no then? do you have a big butt?
Umm who are you and why are you asking about my butt?
that your b**ty size?
Excuse you
Yay, you let my 500 miles be your 500th one :D I was gonna make a better joke, but couldn't think of one aside from referencing the song
Takin a while to reply, slowpoke. Stop having a life
What are you doing atm?
Good thing you haven't managed to teach your cat to talk yet. Not going to let you get a pet bird
What is that reply to the last ? thing? It's a box for me :'(
Don't have to put your dck in every cute thing.
Only the ones that talk
No I'm not okay, pls help me
I feel your pain
Gotta stop making the cute girls pregnant, no need for more kids
But they're cute
What about the Rick and Morty board or card games?
How many children do you have?
Idk anymore
Favourite board or card game?
So you'd give Dobby a gobby?
Are you okay?