Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Shannon noll
How long do you want to live?
a while
thoughts on Molly Taylor
I'd **** her
Thoughts on hazza, Matt, Sean and Nolan?
All Good blokes
thoughts on James bimbolovski?
good bloke funny and good to be around
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
ive missed a couple of times haha
best mates?
Sam flink and max and josh Amos
how big is Kristian docketts c u n t
i havent seen it
you should come to a party Friday
i cant im in mallacoota :/
do you have a favorite city?
Favorite animal?
dont have 1
thoughts on Isis
i dont like them
would u get a tat?
i think i will get one but no clue where
who's your favorite family member ?
Who's your favourite cousin ?
Jamie mark and dean are a draw!
One and only h beck?
Why do PEople spam me with unfunny bull**** like this
h beck is the sickest ****
he is frigging amazing
Who are you dating?
Molly Taylor :)
thoughts on Sam flink
how many *****es you fuc ked
Just one bro
One thing you like about yourself?
Are Molly and Chelsea friends again
were you at bay's water party I swear I saw u
Nah bro
did you get ur braces off
heard your friend got rolled
Yeah he did
thoughts on Bonnie Stanley and lecki burnham
They're both nice :)
best looking girl at Stacey's ?.
I can't remember
What freaks you out ?
Spiders, they are ****ing ****s
What is the saddest thing in life?
ur actually the funniest bloke!
haha thanks man :*
Sam flink and max Amos have boners for you lol
lol what about josh
hont brockman
hent brekmen
Cows tongue or pig snout?
snout is pretty tempting
How many kids do you want to have?
Have you and Molly had *ex
How's life buddy?
good thanks! hows urs
Dumbest thing you've ever heard?
Callagan hall of justice- Ben boyd
A super power you wish you had?
Max amos
Molly is so beautiful! You are one lucky guy :)
I know right!
You are so attractive!
Aw thanks anon
Can you like live instead? I way prefer you alive :*
Hehe I wouldn't of died anyways x
Can you like die please?
That's a dark request
What are you really good at?
Making others look good
Lovin you to the moon and back
Cutie! Hey mol x
molly doesn't deserve you your way better then her
go away that's not true
You're a cutie
Nah you are
willy b*m b*m willy b*m b*m
Oi cool
Is chicken curry pasta your fav meal?
It actually isn't! But I do love it!
Who did you lose you v's too
Molly Taylor :)
what vet do u do
Cert 2 plumbing :)
Oi I think you're cute but I'm scared to inbox you
***** dog
Who are you dating?
oi lachie can you not post your qooh.me in the chat
Sorry Matt please forgive me
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
**** up ****
What is your weakness?
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
Mila kunis
What is your nickname?
i go by many ahaha, rat dusty gooders dukes latch and lan haha
Work legs fool. Your calfs are the size of my forearms lol
lol ill see what i can do
How long would you like to live for?
Max Amos
Good because you two are the cutest ever :)
Daw fanks
Long discription of thoughts on Jarred Keeble?
He's your girlfriends fav
Are you and Molly dating or a thing?
We have have a thing :)
Let's ****
When and where
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
None of your business you ****ing ****
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
When they flirt with other people
What is success to you?
Going a day without wanking
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
I ****ed Molly in the as* crack
Jealous :/
What r your thoughts on keileh now that you don't talk
Don't have any!
Thoughts on Jarrad Keeble and Andrew Miller?
hot, hotter
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
max amos is a gay ****
Hot girls?
max amos,thats all i can think of
I have a ichey ball sack
i dont care
Thoughts on Chelsea Hanna and bonnie stanley
good chicks good to talk to
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
what kind of ****ing bull**** question is this kys qoohme
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
Not being aloud out aha
The most boring person you know?
Molly taylor
why don't you and keileh talk anymore
what went down between you and keileh
Nothing really
thoughts on Chels Hanna, bri Anthony, jess Iaucone Kate Callaghan?
All good chicks
Good year tens you know?
What do you mean by good?
thoughts on Georgia Bradley
Nice chick don't know her too well :)
Who would you take a bullet for?
Thoughts on bonnie stanley and Molly Taylor
bonnie is great such a good mate of mine funny and good to talk to and hot, molly is my fav, she is so attractive and always makes me laugh, ****ed up way to many times to keep count and i hope the problems her and with all her girlfirends work out, oh and shes hot
well you act as if you're happy and it makes everyone else happy
well i guess thats good then cos i like to make people happy :)
you seem so happy now, I'm glad lach
i could be a lot better, seeing people i care about having problems and i had an arguement with someone i really care abut, **** could be a lot better
how are you lachie? :)
im good i guess haha how are you pal?
Thoughts on Jamie Mandl Molly lovat and Maddy foley
jammer is a great chick pritty and funny, should talk more! molly is nice and goodlooking dont really know her, mads is great so nice funny and good to be around and goodlooking :)