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489 Replies

What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?

Snorting lines without me

lachlanmcmillan replied 2816 days ago 2

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

I swear this famous just happened overnight

lachlanmcmillan replied 2838 days ago

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?

Probably write suicidle statuses to make people think I had a life

lachlanmcmillan replied 2839 days ago 1

What does your name mean ?

I get the ketamine from my parents because They're addicted to horse tranquilliser like myself

lachlanmcmillan replied 2847 days ago 4

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?

Disco bicuits tropical island,
Because what's an island without eating a couple of disco biscuits and drowning in the water of a tropical beach

lachlanmcmillan replied 2850 days ago 1

me? ainslierosee

You're a sweet gal, my favourite wang gal besides Lili Simmonds, you're cute as my dude, wouldn't mind getting closer and thanks for being a lovely lass ❤️❤️❤️

lachlanmcmillan replied 2851 days ago 2

What or who , do you think about the most ?

I think about ketamine a lot

lachlanmcmillan replied 2853 days ago 2

What makes you instantly hate someone?

When they don't share their coccy milk ?

lachlanmcmillan replied 2861 days ago 4

What makes you happy to be alive?


lachlanmcmillan replied 2865 days ago 1

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

Because I'm sick and don't want to deal with people's sht

lachlanmcmillan replied 2867 days ago

What was your first kiss like?

It was perfect, it was a romantic date by a park with the love of my life

lachlanmcmillan replied 2872 days ago 2 4

What is one thing you wish everyone knew about you?

I am ketamine

lachlanmcmillan replied 2876 days ago 3

What do you envy about the opposite $ex?

I don't understand this question I'm a dopey cu.nt who dropped out of school I'm just gonna say I like t***

lachlanmcmillan replied 2881 days ago 4

Thoughts?? Tessa_morris

I don't know who you are but I have two words
Jack McMahon
Hit him up gorgeous

lachlanmcmillan replied 2886 days ago 1

What's stopping you from being the best version of you?

Probably my caine addiction

lachlanmcmillan replied 2886 days ago 1