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Ask me anything you like anonymously

137 Replies

Come back!

Probably won't ever be faking bear again, sorry.

lamblackbear replied 2788 days ago

Anyone u wanna do a song with

i feel like a song w anamanaguchi would be fire

lamblackbear replied 2791 days ago

You and Krista are so cute, you give me hope. :)

thank u, she's my entire world and everything to me

lamblackbear replied 2791 days ago

Please give me another chance...

Never gonna happen.

lamblackbear replied 2791 days ago

I miss you...

did u not see my reply to ur bullsht already

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

You and your girlfriend won't last.

I have a fiancée, not a girlfriend, but thanks boo.

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?

how do u find the clit,,

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

I miss you.

fck you. I don't miss you.

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

I wish you could forgive me.

LOL ABSOLUTELY NOT. You think I would forgive you after the sht you pulled? No. Go away.

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

I didn't want to hurt you...

Well it's a little late for that now. It's been over a year since you and I separated, I don't want anything to do with someone who could accuse me of doing what you said I did. fck off.

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

I'm sorry. I miss you....

No. fck you and what you did to me.

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

I wish I never hurt you, seeing you happy without me hurts....

Yeah well it s*cks to s*ck, doesn't it? I'm not sure who this is but leave me alone.

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

Favorite song

all star - smashmouth

lamblackbear replied 2792 days ago

How does she know that people in those kind of relationships aren't going to make an effort. Not everyone can just go and plan a meeting. Y'all are both hypocritical as hell.

If they were going to make an effort then that's not the relationship she was talking about. We were talking about STRICTLY online relationships where the couple didn't care to meet one another, never had and never will make an effort to meet. A couple where /EVERYTHING/ is purely online. Get that through your skull lol. And if you're so annoyed by us then why are you following us?

lamblackbear replied 2793 days ago

She deadass invalidated other people's relationships by saying phone calls and skyping isn't a real relationship. But ok.

Because it's not a real relationship if you guys aren't ever going to make an effort to actually meet one another at least once. But ok.

lamblackbear replied 2793 days ago