Ek miss jou so baie mooiste we need you in SouthAfrica
I miss you too ❤️❤️ DM my?
Jou instagram naam asb ❤️
Omw lief jou die meeste???
Heyy kan ek jou asb raad vra ❤️ dis nogal persoonlik
Natuurlik? DM my dan chat ons n bietjie ball❤️
Skeer jy of wax jy
Ammm??? Maak dit saak?
They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you.
Awhh you cute?❤️
In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
Heyy, crazy mada faka ??❤❤
Weet jy wie??
Nannnaaaa??i love you mada faka??
Tommie en berita?
Newsflash : ek gee nie om nie ?
Besides never get jealous when you see your ex with someone else, our parents taught us to give our used toys to the less fortunate?
Tommie Bezuidenhout ?
Moet my nie vra oor mense saam met wie jy my nie meer sien nie ??
i wanna be your baby daddy
u are a beauty can i be your beast
Awhh thank you for the compliment?
maak dinge in my wakker
hey jou smile doen dinge aan my
Oo neh watse dinge??
Megan roux ?
Oeee meggie??sys my klein monstertjie♥♥ ekt baie tyd en liefde vir dai kleintjie?
What made you happy today? 100+
Talking to my best friend?♥
Mis jou soooo baieeee ❤️❤️❤️ cbezuid
Mis jou sus???
What will you never ever do again?
Trust boys
Post weer 'n foto asb
Oh yes, definitely !!??
Annika ek miss vi jou sooooo ergg oh my soul ? Omii
Terblanche, ek mis vir jou !!?? belowe ekke kom kuier ❤❤
What should people stop buying?
Onnodige goed?
What is the smartest thing you've ever done?
Plans for 2018?
To wake up every morning?
wie is vijou die moeilikste om agter te laat in SA
Baie mense?
Vi hoelank gaan julle NZ tu?
Ons immigreer so ons gaan daar gan bly, in n huis, ons komi terug nie
Wanneer trek julle oorsee ?
30ste November
Waar gan jule nou bly nou dat jule huis te koop is
New Zealand?
Wantoe trek jy
New Zealand
So hoe lyk die New Zealand planne ?
Goed, ons vlieg oor 3 weke??
Wat gaan jy in new zealand doen?
Daar gaan bly ?
Hkm dink almal jy gan oorsee ?
Dit maaki sin dat almal so dink en jy weeti daarvan nie
Want ek gaan oorsee?
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Loving someone
Wat het tussen jou Nadia gebeer?
Niks waarvan ek weet het tussen ons GEBEUR nie ?
Nadia het nog altyd op ge kom vir jou, en nou voel jy n fok oor ha ??
Dis my en nadia se sake
Watse vakke het jy ?
Afrikaans ( duh ) ?
Engels ✌
Lo ?
Verbruikers / Gasvryheid ?
Kuns ( produk ontwerp ) ?
1 ste pouse? ?
2 de pouse? ?
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
That certain people is just using me
What is your biggest regret over the past few years?
Going to school??
Jyt sulke oulike voetjies??
Omw jys die hoeveelste persoon wat dit se? ek dinki so nie mah dankie anon??
How much money do you need right now and why ?
Nothing, because I don't need it
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
School ?
You know what is one of the most difficult things to do is to find a word that describes your beauty the it's full content
What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?
To see my parents again after a week
What quote do you live by?
Why try to fit in when you're born to stand out
What needs to stop ?
People who think they are better than others?
What type of people annoy you the most?
OCD people !
What do you wish your parents understood?
That I can make my own decisions and that I will take the consequences of it !
Jyyyyy ??❤❤❤❤❤
Maar jyy?❤
What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?
The wheel turns
sal jy gaan vir n ou wat skaam is?
As hy so skaam is sal hy mos skaam raak as ek net na hom kyk?..so ek weet nie
Dankie man ek weet ek weeg nie baie nie?hou aan met die komplimente?
Halloween ?
Nee chom, hier se ons hallowyn?
hkm gaan jy nie net weer vir divan nie.
Hoekom gaan jy nie net weg nie?
hoekom is jy so mooi?
Ek dink nie ek is nie maar dankie ❤
What do you never trust?
bly weg van juan, hy soek net een ding, ek waarksu jou maar net?
bly weg van my persoonike lewe, ek waarsku jou ook maar net?
Van waar is jy? ??
Van my pa af en jy?
ek het net gevra of jy hom mis? niemand warrie oor die spelling nie
Ek doen? en ek se mos..dis privaat
mis jy vir Diewan?
Eerstens dis DIVAN?en tweedens dis privaat?
What makes you genuinely happy?
Spending time with my friends and family
Your teeth are so nice and white too! ?? Anon.71814
Thank you?
Here's a scene from my perspective. I'm hanging off the ledge of a tall building. All I feel is my hands clutching the edge. I see you standing above me on the ledge.
What will I see you do to me next?
I will obviously try to pull you up
What is the biggest way people waste money?
Buying silly stuff
Nee my naam begin nie met n B nie
Okay mooi vijo?
Is jy so seker is jy ken my
met watse letter begin my naam
Hoe seker is jy jy ken my
Dood seker??
Is jy online?
Ja??duidelik ht jy my op whatsapp
Jy het gevra ek moet jou dm 084 22 5321
Daar kort n nommer chom?
Gunsteling gr.8 meisies
Karla Langenhoven?
Miesche Jordan?
Christelle Bezuidenhout❤
Janelle de Villiers✨
Bea Wolfaardt?
Ferenay John?
Jy is beeldskoon en jy verdien net die beste anika
Dankie anoniem?dm?
What should be free, but isn't?
Thank youu??
why are you amazing ?
Because I am my own person?
waaroor is jy spyt in die afgelope jaar?
Dat ek vir mense goed vertel het wat ni verdien om my so goed te ken ni!
i want to ask for your number but i know that if we chat i am going to end up falling for you ?
Please just dm me?..I don't bite?
if you could go back 1 yeah what would you change? 3things
Eating habits??
Dm werk nie as mens iemand geblok het nie ?
Se net jou naam?
do you squat? cause ur A$$ is fine af❤️
Yes I do???thank you my love❤
you have a amazing body? stay just the way you are you are beautifull❤️
Thank you love❤?
dankie tog jy is uit brakkies uit
Het ek ook al baie kere gese?
Last song you listened to ?
Charlie puth attention?
beeldskoon?sal jou hard vat?
Agh dankie man..eks seker daarvan jy ook?
Like jy is nogal n djas persoon?jy weet wid dit is x
Like dankie..like ja ek weet jy is?
What do you no longer waste time on?
Fake people
Jyt noggal mooi voete??
Oe siesa nee maar dankie??
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
bly weg van divan
mis jy my telly tubby?❤️
Tsek piekenies??gan speel met jou karretjies?
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
Real friends who stay with you and who are not two faced btches✌
Trust aswell?
jy hoer rond. ma jyt n ou.
En jys n jaloerse iretasie op qooh me??
tommie ?
Tommie is n mens soos ek?hys n goeie vriend?
What do you never plan on doing?
To kill myself??