Lads from Galen year 12 you want to get closer with?
Umm Tom Salmon maybe, heard he's alright.
Nah I don't know off the top of my head
Hottest year 11 girls at Wang high?
There's a few
Last great thing you did ?
Pot, Parma and pokies at the rsl
Do you and tom salmon purposely dress the same each Saturday night?
I'm actually not with him each Saturday night :/ but nah we just know what's up
Grace Delli?
Don't really know her to well! Seems like a grouse chick.
how many rum tins does it take to fix my torn calf
The duration is about 4 weeks, so a slab each week should do the trick
Ask wills Reilly he is always snapchatting her
liv dira?
Awesome girl! So easy to talk to and get along with. Very attractive. Miss talking to her
People you can always count on?
Salmo, Louisa, Henry, Coop.
Have your eyes set on anyone saturday night?
This one or last?
hot girls at galen?
Montana for sure. J muller, E Nolan too
lol people just really want to know so bad hahaha
Hahaha yeah they do hey
Anyone who you would like to be close with again?
Favorite couple?
Probably old fossil and termiah
Would you fuk someone with a gunt? Yes or no? Explain if not :)
Nah I wouldn't. I think it's gross.
hhahahahahahahahahahahah this is so funny
Yeah your not wrong
if you like someone would you date them
Errmaaagawd who are you
Name some nice chicks body and personality wise you fancy?
Inbox me x
how long ya like them for?
Secret soz
have you ever liked them before?
Yeah bro
Louisa Harrington?
Grouse chick. One of my closest friend and one of the only people I trust. Massive legend
who do ya fancy sweetie?
Sally Botter?
One of the best girls I've ever met. Has a heart of gold. Such a stunner. Could go on for hours, hope she's doing well!
Do you reckon Louisa has become way cooler since she became best mates with Tess?
Nah Tess is ****
Root/boot; ms pickard, horse face
I think you should get a trim
I think you should shut up
You've changed, I miss the Luke who use to rip skids wif me
Let's rip skids
One time I saw you sniffin white stuff in the gutter
Fück off Louisa
fancy anyone atm?
Maybe baby
why secrets? spill
Nah I can't
anyone you miss talkin to?
Still friends with that loui Sacco kid?
Hmm Loui Sacco, name rings a bell. Awh yeah nah I know him. Good kid. Heart of gold. Always angry though, never no why :/
j bray
Ripper kid, good to have blokes like him around the Footy club
Omfg your joking
Nah I wish I could burn all of them
Do you like cats
Nah I fückiñg hate the little cûnts
Prettiest girl you know rn
Matt Ryan or Esme Currie Id reckon
Money or Loyalty ?
drugs and power
why are you not in a relationship? youd be a good boy friend
taken by tom salmon soz
is there anyone you wanna kiss right now?!?!?!?!?!
hottest girls in yarrrawonga
aurbrey, glass twins, liv, theres heaps
tells us 3 of the names plzzz
hmmm nah
Give the names not letters
hahaha why?
Name a list of any girls you find desirable
hot girls in yr 12+11 galen???
theres heaps in both
like anybody??
Hmmm dunno you?
Hottest year 10 girls at the high?
don't really know many, chuck us some names
Hottest year 11 girls at the high?
Antonia M for sure and bella and abby.
cant tell you
thanks for telling me all this then :)
Snappy best mates?
matt ryan, tom salmon, sez ward
yep sure did
who are you?
lol use to like you
did ya
perfect girls?
Tom salmon
What is your nickname ?
biggie smalls
nah cant text you
why babe
i miss you
text me ily love you
Best kiss and worst kiss?
you and you
Dream holiday destination ?
What does your perfect day look like?
Thunder storms, picnic in the park and couldn't couldn't go passed an ice cold can
I do, i just think its better if i dont
Hahaha just do it
Snapchat bestfriends?
1. Salmo
2. Henry Mac
3. Alice Sullivan
I dont want to text you though
You mustn't miss me much then
What girls do you know from Yarra ? Or I've met name them hahha
The ones you know
Yarra girls you would want to know better?
Aubrey comes to mind
Chuck us some names
Best girl and guy friends ?
t salmon
Kheda Stevenson?
biggest lad. ripper bloke, haven't seen him for ages. hope to see him in the EPL soon
U going to zoes party tomorrow?
nah boss
Brayden Miller?
Absolute legend! One of the funniest ****s I've met. Miss the little fella
Heaps of wang high humans hahah
get plus one off one of your mates
dunno who's going
just get me one
going to mariah's 18th?
no invite boss, get me one
why is she you bestie?
because she is cooler than you
alicea who? and why
biggest regret?
doing year 12
have a crush on any gurls atm?
who are your besties
tommy salmo, alicia g, henry m
Maybe cause you're amazing?
classic joke
I think I like you
Do you? Wouldn't know why
Why don't you then?
was too late in the year
Ever considered going to galen?
Plenty of times
What is your biggest success up until now?
The progress in the potato farm for sure
List some of the hottest chicks you know
tom salmon
Don't always put yourself down man xoxo
aha thanks anon xx
Luke Collins you deserve the absolute best
thanks but nah
I'm thinking the you had a crush on more then one of the girls hahaha
hahaha do you think that? cool
Ruby Bethune?
Ruby is such a great person, so kind and caring towards everyone she meets. she deserves the best.
Aubrey, you are super cool and quiet the looker, so good to talk too and looking forward to getting to know you more :)