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Leah Banning


Ask me anything you like anonymously

7 Replies

Scootering and being with friends
School and homework
Go out somewhere for the day and just spend time together .

Is this Joel??

leah_is_epic_xx replied 2573 days ago

Brown/blonde blue
Likes dogs and sports
Dislikes school
Watch movies Matttt1333

Nice your really tall ?

leah_is_epic_xx replied 2573 days ago

Idk why people give you hate you're so amazing and so gorgeous ? xxx Jani4322

Awww thank you dm me ❤️Xx

leah_is_epic_xx replied 2749 days ago

Don't let any o the people ex who at are posting hate on here get you down. Your eyes amazing Leah! I disagree with everything bad people have been saying and you shouldn't listen to all the rubbish! You're so gorgeous and beautiful xxx ?

Awwww thank you so much this is honestly so kind who is the message me ❤️Xx

leah_is_epic_xx replied 2749 days ago

Ur such a nice person and u have really helped me sometimes and i am so glad ur my friend! ?????❤️

Awww thank you I'm glad I've help you who are you ??❤️

leah_is_epic_xx replied 2750 days ago 1

You are so beautiful, kind, caring, loving, gorgeous and trustworthy x I've known you for ages and you've always been there for me x we have never been best friends but close friends forever xx I don't think we have ever fallen out x I miss you

Aww thank you so much that's so sweet ❤️Xx dm me

leah_is_epic_xx replied 2752 days ago

Idk u but you seem. Nice? alfieash7

Thank you ?

leah_is_epic_xx replied 2752 days ago