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50 Replies

Who is this person creating this fake account?


leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago 1

btch , take a seat. You're acting a bit to extra now , lmao. Don't make yourself feel so important. You're a fake snakin' hoe. And I'd like to congratulate you for playing your damn self and creating this acc. Lol , bye **** ?

Don't remain anonymous h*oe

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

And I never remain anonymous , yet you call that person leashka , you're the most stupid person I've ever came across . I don't think your momma gave you enough love . Leashka_25

Fcuk you aye

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Who will wanna nye a fake person like you ? . No one darlaaannnggg? Leashka_25

Why you don't learn how to spell you 13 year old girl

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

How am I suppose to come up to you in school , when there's no other leashka? ????? . Com'on how dumb are you . You are just one jealous person , I don't even believe you have time to act like me ?. Leashka_25

Are you shell,didn't you say I'm dhiajal then now wtf

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Yeah we all know how fake you are ,your mama gave you fakeness to core

Ya that's why your'll had no balls to come to me in skwl

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

There's a difference you bitxh between sidechicks and sidekicks
Oh yea you know your hangouts
Oh speaking of side chicks you are one
You got your man and your status yet he doesn't
Desperate for a man who is least bothered

So what

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Hoe, you got so much time to make a fake account, try being real for once

You know what's fake leashka,yourself

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

You have no life thats why you making a fake account in order to disguise the fact that you are in need of attention

Wuu shem idek

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Do you hate leashka that much? Whats next?

Nay bru,I lah her,also wanna nye her

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Do you hate leashka that much? Whats next?

Nay bru,I lah her,I also wanna nye her

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Are you and leashka friends?

Yeah I'm one of her bras

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Are you and leashka friends?

Yeah I'm one of her bras

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

Are you and leashka friends?

Yeah I'm one of her bras

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago

You must your fcuking jealousy and push it up your hairy stinking hole, btich, why you are you so jealous of lea? Is it because she is popular in school and you are popular in the sugar canes, like come on sl*t.... FCUK OF *****/H*E

Lmfao lmfao lmfao wuu shem at least my hole aint stretched

leashy_Boo replied 2915 days ago