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I have made way too many bad decisions to pick one ?
who are you even ??
I know, but issss ok ?
I’d probably spend most of my time sleeping or watching cricket ?x
Can’t put small things in my mouth, it’s a choking hazard ☹️
Excessive drug use
Probably cricket ?
Great observation homie
Ja (:
Probably not.
ja ?
then surely you shouldn’t love me, silly.
maybe you should speak to someone about that ??♀️
They’re too full of sht
weetie ??♀️
can’t even remember, we were probably sour over the same thing ?
Me. Definitely me.
because I’m a prick
any dog or cat ??♀️
I'm literally the most single homie on the planet, so maybe you have the wrong girl ??♀️
Who's Jay???♀️
19 is pushing it. Ngl.
No, soz x
I suppose it's specific to the person referring to me.
am now, thank you for your concern ?
No because once you've done me dirty there is nothing stopping you from doing it again.
because I don't fck with the way people act and I don't want to be a part of that.
no message is also a message
Guess you've been hearing things. No it's not true ?
The Hankey brothers ?
My boo*ies, my business ?
Hugs not drugs b ?
This lets off hella creepy vibes ngl??♀️
Guy- Judah ❤️
Girl- Kez ❤️
I literally worry about everything, all the time
The grooviest homie around ?
Yes ma'am ??♀️
got nuthin' to say bro.
Long fingernails.
Scruffy looking kinda fella.
Bad teeth.
Weird feet.
There's tooooo many ?
Been there done that. It's not as difficult as everyone says ?
Best idea I've heard all week. Message me ?
We aren't a couple. We aren't even close to a couple ?
like I stepped on a lego
I saved myself, nobody gets to take credit for that ?
Aw, thankkks ?❤️
Got no reason to smile 24/7 and my RBF gets me out of sooo many conversations I really don't want to be a part of ??♀️
Not really, no ?
Your ex is your ex for a reason. Things didn't work out once I don't see a reason in getting hurt a second time. Never listen to your past it has nothing new to tell you. (In other words FCK 'EM) ?
Papa ?
There is no "Jordan and Bianca" but that sht ain't none of my business ??
Provantage media ?
Your head with a rock? Of course ??
Large groups of people, loud noises, kids handling pets, people who chew loudly, people who click their pens during an exam. I could go on forever ??
None of my business anymore ?
Thank you x
Yes ?
what about usss?
Everyone, nobody gotta feel special about that ?
Ufff, I suppose it depends how my intelligence is measured
I wouldn't know, can't give myself head
You can but I probably won't reply ??♀️
Neither here nor there ?❄️
The entire play transpired over 3 days and both of them died at the end. NO THANKS
I don't know who you are but I know we're not friends ?
Nah, I have no reason to ??
*come on
Last try ??
Sleep it seems ?
Way toooo little ?
Trevennon and I were never dating, despite what everyone thought. We were just very very close friends ?
I ship
Hockey ?
ah ha ha ha, NO