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Leila Douglas


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892 Replies

You should see if I guy has a girlfriend do me a favour and go and have a look at almost every guy's Facebook page and see how many are in a relationship. Fkn **** ✋?

No it's the guys responsibility to tell he's in a relationship so go fck your self stupid btch Not my problem your man isn't satisfied with you so fck off yeah You're making yourself look like a massive tool ????

leiladouglas replied 3164 days ago

You have talked to countless boys with girlfriends, you are a fkn ****. Just back the fck off seriously ****.

No I don't okay get a fcking life and stop being pathetic hiding behind an anonymous screen ahaha

leiladouglas replied 3164 days ago

Nah, I'd rather you not have my number ?
Because he wasn't interested and wanted a friend to talk to. But you just wanted a dck to s*ck ??

I didn't ahaha and there's a thing called no caller id dumb btch hash fcking leave

leiladouglas replied 3168 days ago


Bish better have my money

leiladouglas replied 3169 days ago

You know what he did tell you he had a girlfriend. I just seen the messages. ? But you still tried getting with him ?
****. ?

Then why didn't he tell me To back off ahahah Who is this honestly I won't have a go at you if you get the guts to fcking talk to me ? 0422068772 Call me if you have any balls okay ?

leiladouglas replied 3169 days ago

Maybe slu tty cu nts should just stay the fck away and not even acknowledge them ?

It's not my fcking fault your boyfriend doesn't make it known he's in a relationship Clearly he doesn't care And you're a fcking wimp behind an anonymous scream You don't even have the fcking guts to message me You're that stupid btch that would have a go at a girl for cheating with her partner When it's YOUR BOYFRIEND who's "committed" to you Not my fault he doesn't say "hey I have a girlfriend , bye" Lmao you stupid fcking hoe. Now I'll talk to every guy I know more incase it's him! So thanks Hun ? Could go on about your stupidity but think you just proved it ahahah catch

leiladouglas replied 3169 days ago

someones boyfriend is a bit unfaithful imo

Thankyou! It's his repsonsibility to let people know he's in a relationship not the people he talks to if they're unaware omg ahah

leiladouglas replied 3170 days ago

wasss up

Bruh I missed you ahaha

leiladouglas replied 3170 days ago

Maybe you should go and see if a guy has a girlfriend before telling him his cute and showing that you're interested in him. ?

Maybe he should be honest and tell the person? Hahah Am I talking to him Now?

leiladouglas replied 3170 days ago


Yeh you are stupid I tried to help Not my fault your boyfriend talks to me ahahah fckoff

leiladouglas replied 3173 days ago

Yeah well stop talking to mine and my friends boyfriends. Cheers. ???

Ok I'm through with trying to help cause you're clearly a troll I don't think I talk to anyone with boyfriends and you know what if I do that's their problem. I'm SINGLE they're in a RELATIONSHIP So think about who you're telling off here ahahah You're clearly obsessed to find my qoohme cause I don't flirt with any guys with girlfriends unless they haven't told me in which they aren't very trustworthy so it's cute you track this down and try telling me off when it's not my problem your boyfriend talks to girls, soz hahahaha

leiladouglas replied 3175 days ago

His fcking told you. :) just stop talking to any guys. You don't need to know who I am. You just need to fcking stop. Cheers. :)

Look I've tried being good about this But I don't know who he is? Aleast send the letter his name starts with and I'll stop talking to anyone with that letter Otherwise soz I can't cause I have 0 idea who it's about and there's a good chance I haven't even replied so just calm down yeah. I only like one guy and he's single so relax

leiladouglas replied 3175 days ago

How many guys with girlfriends do you talk to.?

I didn't think any ? so I'm not the one in a relationship, if your boyfriend is that's not my problem I'm a sht replier and don't talk to that many people so inbox me and tell me or something I won't judge I'll stop talking to him?

leiladouglas replied 3175 days ago

Just stop talking to guys that have girlfriends. Cheers. :)

I legit didn't think I spoke to any who had a girlfriend so you might wanna enlighten me Hun or else he hasn't

leiladouglas replied 3175 days ago

Just stop fcking talking to him. Cheers. :)

I can't if I don't know who the fck he is so give me a clue here or I'll continue to talk to him if I don't know who he is hahaha

leiladouglas replied 3175 days ago