cathrine blackie
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
10 God maDe mE thAt aWeSoMe**
Who do you miss right now?
FoOd !!*..
Met wi sal jy almal uit gaan in ju skool
Ek weni Boela *
Eya kitty* liefies jou dankie vir een wonderlike Laersskool loopbaan saam jou jy was en is great*
FaNx ??!!*..
♡н̲̣̣̣̥εγ̥♡ Kitty dankie vir n lekker laerskool loobaanQii saam jou jys n Amazing vriendin love you always my* (( MAMMA)) weet jy wie is die
FaNx m ((KiNt)) *..
Here kitty kitty .... Where R u ... ? Haha*... Heloo maaiqi *... Jy goeie maaiqii *!! Staay AwESome *!! Liefies juw *.. Die beste Marchelle* !!...!!!
HehE , I'm witHe lE oUma , sHe's GoIng tHrouH altOtT !!
Your so pretty
NaAwWh faNx !! *..
Wiil you marry me
PING!!! Me ill AnSwEr yOu oN bBm *..
What's you're favorite colour
LiGht BluE & LiMe GrEen *..
What's you're favorite food
KFC & McDoNnaLdS*..
What's you're favorite song
KaTy PeRrY's ,Unconditionally *..
What's you're favorite thing to do
SpEnD tIme WitH faMiLy & FriEnDs !!*..
What's you're favorite movie
What's you're favorite band
I'm NoTt sUrE ??!??*..
What school Are you ..
TrAnSvaLiA !!*..
I Love You!!!!
NaaaAawwWh !! Love yEw tEw !!*..
Are you a virgin
YeSs *..
How much is enough money for you?
Enough to keep me alive
If I even asked u out would u say yes NO OFFENSE
I won't sAy yEs tO a straNgeR *..
Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
Neither , I LOVE maHselF just ThA waY I Am !!! I wouldn't evan waNna change a ZiTt on mAh face !!! And I tHanK GOD for MakiN me .....we'll ME !!**
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?