Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
What was cute?
In order..
1. Grade 11 camp
2. My birthday
3. 24th of November
Same person
Old enough lol!! I choose not to say lol
OFCAUSE NOT!!! I have lots of Zimbabwean friends :)
24 of November... This year because it was the day I wrote my last exam lol :)
Lol don't mind at all!! Ciao
If you really want to.. lol
It was in grade 7 in front of the Nelspruit Primary pool with a guy called Marcus.. he was in highschool and was more experienced, I didn't know what the hell I was doing.. lol it lasted about 13 seconds (i was counting)... What more can I say?
yeap I have a gorgeous sister.. Thando
yee bra.. I mean I can't let him/her die!! so yes....
anywhere *he* kisses me...
LOL how cheesy.. ;)
hmmm.. ONE THING!?? isn't ussually three things?! hhayi that's too challenging I guess it would be my bible
MOm.. Food.. Money
Tsegofatso, Busisiwe *place the embarrasing name here* lol I have quite a few..
J.Cole breakdown...
rnNext will be \"Nobody\'s perfect\" THEN \"work out\" it\'s a pretty dope alb*m
I had three dates =)
1. Terrance
2. Isaac
3. Penang
It's Uhm nice =) LOL
Failure... and losing mybest friends Khensani, Zinhle and Lindo after matric.. =( WOW you're the FIRST person that chose not to be anonymous!! BRAVE SOUL
well really now "man" lol *join the queue LOL LMAO! just kidding lol *stroke that ego* if only I knew who you were.. :)
Drake Graham uhm Reggie Bush and ****** you'll have to guess the third one =)
Yes I've loved quite a bunch of people actually
OWAMI *baby cousin*
Mane` *baby cousin*
the list goes ON AND ON..
Someones bedroom lol
#stalker behaviour
EYES, as* and smile.. in that order.. so when a hot guy walks past we ussually make eye contact which will have my head turning to see his as*.. which results in his smile =)
My future ...
Uhmm I do go commando *nodding head* BUT I will not do so for you *shaking head* I'm sorry but I don't make a habit of getting naked for people I don't even know..
I don't remember...
single =)
LOL yes.. HOW DID YOU KNOW!? are you like a stalker!?
my cellphone can't get a wallpaper lol it is uhmm not technologically advance enough.. and that's putting it lightly..
A fruit salad topped up with yoghurt..
#the thought of it is making me hungry again
that "be honest now" part is a lil'wierd.. but ya ANYWAY!.. #whistling
REd =)
what are you gonna do with that information? It's white and orange
haha thank you *on his behalf*
YES.. But not romantic movies.. there's a difference ryt?
I have... You're TOO sweet anonymous aka MDU!! lol or should I say future short light skinned swazi *hubby*
lol depends on who you are and what you love me as... If you love me as a friend then SURE THING kiddyup on this frienship train *choochoo*
I "prefer" Drake...
Yeap but it's not my fave hey.. I prefer lay down THAT'S MY jam session
Lol Ncarrhh!!!
I think it\'s over rated hey... a friend told me that it\'s not as major as people say it is.. We hype it up for nothing.. WOW a **** enters a virgina OMW lol!!! arg man the only reason I haven\'t lost mine yet is coz I don\'t wanna get pregnant coz condoms break and I don\'t want an STD or HIV just coz I wanted a moments pleasure..
I'd kick the guy's balls THEN ask my best friend is he makes her happy.. If they truly love eachother then who am I to interfere..
As long as the guy goes through UNBEARABLE pain then I'm happy =)
Facebook crush uhmmm... I have a few of those. LOL LOL lmao.. #jokes Reggie Bush, I literally stalk him hey..
LOL yes.. I dream of the short swazi boy DAILY!
Lol who? Lulu haha no, I think it's alil cute =)
hey Anonymous =)
No honeslty I don't know myself completely coz I'm still 18 I haven't explored myself fully so I guess you could say "I'm not me" yet.. It's cute that you think I'm your "fantasy girl" lol ;) but I don't try to percieve myself as such. I do remember who I was.. I was hurt, vulnerable to everyone and superficial.. The me that you knew has probably changed because of experiences but I'm the real me For Now.. Life's still gonna happen and I will change again multiple times actually.. Don't expect me to be who you want me to be...
In a gorgeous apartment, with a "Dr..." title and a well paying job.. Oh driving a V8 White on black Range Rover Sport and a V6 Shelby GT500 Ford Mustang.. COZ I'M COOL LIKE THAT
#I'll be paying all this for myself ofcause
i'm dating Junior and yes he's in Penryn =)
Girls are MEAN
Not everyone is gna like you
Not all boys are the same
Driving makes you hotter =)
Drake Graham the man is simply the best, from his lips to his voice to his hands and feet haha he's gorgeous and edible..
DRAKE by FAR I'm assuming Ofcause that you're asking about musical artists
My play station, my psp and my ipod.. and the games that go with'd expect a handbag or a pair of shoes neh.. =)
Yeses!!! lol Thanks anonymous.. =) YOU'VE MADE MY YEAR...
LoVe yOu too my liefie
hahaha I LOVE MY LAUGH but since YOOOUUUU keep teasing me about it, I think I'll change it.. and YES I laugh like that EVERYWHERE =)
I changed it coz my mother saw it and said "kipha leNonesense (remove that nonesense)" LOL
too many things are special about him =) but his tooth gap is my favourite
I don't know buddy... I really don't know partly because I don't know who you are and partly because I don't want to sound cocky...
I don't know... Probably the fact that he accepts me the way I am, so when I shout at him for nothing or when I demand alot from him (MOST OF THE TIME) he just sits there and smiles and accepts it... he has a CUTE gap and gorgeous brown eys and he's not cocky. he also defends me infront of his friends and he respects me, He respects my mom as well and he gets along with my best friends (sometimes)... He understands that there are times and places for things. I trust him and unlike "other guys" I love him.
Sorry for such a LONG response!! =)
the BEST kisser has to be.............. #drum Roll....
The reason is, he's very concerned about me so he kisses me with attention and a mission to please me if you know what i mean ;) and he knows what I like so he touches and holds at the right places..
I don't know... myb It's the people I keep around me that make me happy =)
I'll let you know when my matric results come out... #hint hint
I dont mind infact I think it's cool as long as they don't hurt her =) coz that's my job...
Lmao!!! Just made my day dawg...
WHAT IS WITH THIS QUESTION!? I am interested in one man only hebana!!
LOL unfortunetly I'm not going to the after party and yes I am looking forward to it...
my inability to accept myself the way that I am, I always want to change something.. I'm my biggest critic and I hate it.
11 months and counting... =)
uhmmm... i wont answer that..
People have a tendency to ruin things especially if they don't want to see you happy.. I don't want this relationship to be ruined because of external forces lol
Coz rumours about cheating and whatever only start when people don't want to see you together you know?..
LOL who are YOU!? hahahaahahahahahahahahahhahaha
uhm we were best friends then I chose not to tell her something and the friendship evaporated gradually..
But it's all good now =)
None sweetheart it doesn't work ey.. Even if you try someone ends up hurt..
In my school?! uhmm I'd definetly either date Zinhle or Khensani coz I'd be a lesbian... =)
he cheated then he dumped me =)
Overall he made me greater..
Well Dawg I did it coz I had the cash...
His lips..
I dont know I lost count after 1005 *serious face* haha..
You're gonna have to guess..
LOL Mbaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
LMAO NaNa OH Anonymous! YOU\'RE the *exc child!! ;)
LMAO Liso! lmfao... you know the answer to that...
My tatoo means freedom, it's my freedom of expression and NOone can do anything about it whether they hate it or love it. That's my attitude in everyday life so "my attitude is tatooed" =)
Nice question
LMAO.. uhm no comment lol
Mara Thando it\'s coz I\'m related to your as*.. lol
yeap I'm MADLY in love with him...
Hey Anonymous!! =)
LOL how is THAT a question MoElz.. LMAO
Uhm no
My ideal boyfriend hmm his name MUST begin with a J and end with an R =)!! And an ideal date involves ALOT of food and minimum talking ;)
I'm a virgin sweets so Uhm don't really have one...
uhmmm... meeting the omo guy LOL his head has WAY TOO Much fat lol "Inyama engaka!" lol but genuinely my worst nightmare would have to be failing matric..
in my mind ;)
medicine or Accounting but medicine is my dream...
Nombulelo =) it doesn't sound cool enough for me..
I'm not 100% sure yet but it's a war between Wits, Uj, Up and UKZN =)