Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Wena o mang..?? Mxm I've lost count..
Uhm like I'm just giving it back like I got it.. There is no other way to answer them.. Anywho,, they getting what they deserve.. Haters hate you for no reason,, why not give them reason enough to hate on you..?? #not here to impress them.. Just saying neh,, love joo..(**,)
Ah mfana life ya'gao ya bora.. O'no nna fatse 'n count my ex bf's..?? Since well I'm not,, how many are there so far..?? *you must be a fan*
Okay like first of all there\'s a difference between a \"friend\" and an \"acquaintice\",, before you act like you know me \'n the people around me, get your facts right.. I wonder why your complaining on their behalf,, did I get what you wanted..?? If so,, sit your as* down and accept defeat.. It aint pretty but ke life.. Oh yeah,, try living yours and stop \'playing private investigator on mine.. Love you anyway..(\'\',)
Lol,, countless times.. Cause le ga re tsamaya ra bula sweety.. Wang blushisa wena..('',)
"Best ex boyfriend"..?? If you've ever had 'n ex you'd know that what your saying is a contradiction.. (o0.)
Like sweet victory.. Ask your mom,, she'll tell u..(**,)
What's it to you..??
Yena kaygee onale eng e bobbies a senang yona..?? Lol,, wena okari you know more then me.. Besides that,, I'm not big on talking bout people who aint around to defend themselves.. What world do you come from..?!?
He has 'n will always have significant value.. He's our saviour.. Ek is lief vir hom..(^^,)
Lol,, sho mfana "ka shasha".. Plenty of ipeleng to go around.. You a babe..?? Pocket your bf.. Tsa marato ke tsa ka le katli waka,, 3rd party ke problem.. He knows he has my heart,, new love is better,, there is a reason why ola ale "old katlego".. *you don't get common sense ko shoppong love*
Its another katlego.. Me don't do ex's..
Lol.. Go nale motho oa saleng daar..?? Lmao,, kwakwakwa.. Aowa ke dilo tsa 2oo9,, the answer is no..
Ko gae mfana.. Monate wa teng..(**,)
Life is so much better when I don't stoop to your level.. O stupid mfana..
Oh yes I enjoyed myself thank u,, hope you did too...
As building blocks.. But sometimes one has to know that not every1 is going to like you,, some will try to break you down.. Use it as constructive criticism..(~,~)
Yes I am.. And I personally think your a bit old to listen to everything you hear.. one can see ones level of intelligence from what they do 'n say.. Guess my point is if you ask this Qoo aloud,, you'd hear that you sound a lot more stupid than you actually are.. (**,)
Eya ko search,, type "mo gee".. Add him 'n ask him,, or just inbox him... Ketla le go lapa nou..
..Yes,, you answered yourself..
Before we got into school,, it was our profession..
Lol,, Bontle 'n I are just crazy asses,,, we 'njoy swearing at each other..
*hope you got joo answer sweeti*
Uhm.. Hy is my chomie..
We never dated.. You have problems..
Open a bottle of whisky 'n celebrate the fact that I made it out my parents house,, basicly I'd get waisted all alone..
Cause I don't want to,, simple as that..
I\'m no longer answering *ex Qoo\'s..
The beautiful race.. With,, moses, moipone, obakeng 'n ect.. Was too fun for words..!!
Uhm,, ke motivation 'n yes it does describe me.. *wink*
Lol,, joking.. The song that I really like infact love,, is UNFORGETTABLE *drake* it describes me,, I really want to be unforgettable..('',)
Non of your bees-wax.. #hides
Lol,, what\'s up with all these *ex Qoo\'s..?? Well,, I don\'t think it has a name.. It was invented by *ME*..!! #lol (wish I did all this)..
*ex on a white ship,, wearing all white,, lost at sea,, sun burning hot!! (Saw it on a movie) or did I..?? #wink
..I'm really happy with the guy,, I don't even think there is some1 "better"..
Do I look single to you..?? Lol,, joking.. To answer your Qoo "yes, I'm in a relationship at this moment"..
Aowa wena..!! Why noto..?? Its not that I don't greet people,, some bang bora nje.. Otherwise,, nna I'm not big on talking to people I hardly know or care about..
..Smile 'n say thank you..
Nine 'n a half.. #kwakwakwa,, haven't yet tested my freak-ness,,, therefor your Qoo is invalid.. Still think I'm a 9.5 though..
I like people who stand up for their own,, I'm a fighter,, be competitive..
Uhm,, that's a hard one.. Joking!! Its not 'n option,, I won't do it..
Suger,, spice 'n everything nice..('',)
My angelic boyfriend..
All rumours about me aren't true.. #diva best believe it..!!