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yeah thats for u to ask them questions
nosihle, thato, monde, oupa and kehla! nosihle first!
there is a reason why we call them di "ex" so i dnt knw if i do get back with my ex i wont consider it an opportunity but a repetion of history which is more like trying to accomodate or fix a damaged good.
so are u really googling abt me really? and besides im not dating a persons occupation im dating the person himself, cnt remeber hearing ma bf say im datin a witsie or a student!
lovie is not abt go te potsa neh ke taba ya go ba le dipili and knowing gore ke pila and besides if i dont tel myself ke tshwanetse ke emela mang? wena o tle o mpotse! *yawn* eish sum of us re no ba pila ka hlago u knw ke nature a se nna *sleeping*
trust me she does have my best interest at heart and since well u knw that she doesnt have my best interest at heart why dnt u tel me gore why i keep her?.........looks like u knw a lot abt me dat i dnt knw
not "someone" in particular but a bunch of different guys!
wow lol thnx a lot but i am not intelligent im just smart and im studying BA in general
lol from the aeroplane or from checkers u buy them lmao!
breaking up wif ma man (lucky) because of silly rumours!
was i eva on drugs, first things first!
i am a ghetto party animal to be precise wif u!
tjo neva have been satisfied with any face than dis one nje, the body gona a ke sa bolela cudnt be more gorgeous nje kera fela!
tjo thata y not?
uhm wen was the last time u brushed ur teeth?????
oh realy hai no dats news to me and besides wat is it to u! wena did u knw im d8ng ur bf?
that i have am a *****, and i was like O.M.G whoever started that rumour will block ma chances of being a ***** cos really its my mission now to be one! #hides
no one, im single as ever
bubbly, cute and smart