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ask me stuff

36 Replies

*does double chins* hey. JadeTomass

Hey girl hey

letitia321 replied 3231 days ago 1

Who do you like or have a crush on- person at your school in your year level.

Zac Efron

letitia321 replied 3231 days ago

Thoughts on Dallandra?

Sweet Funny Cute Fun to be around :)

letitia321 replied 3232 days ago

You and your car noises and actions in class hahah JadeTomass

Im cool

letitia321 replied 3242 days ago 1

Letitia you are such a nice caring funny friendly respectful and loyal friend I'm so grateful for a friend like you! JadeTomass

aww thanks Jade love you x

letitia321 replied 3261 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

letitia321 replied 3329 days ago

thoughts on tom?

Great guy

letitia321 replied 3333 days ago

Hottest girl in your class?

They are all beautiful

letitia321 replied 3333 days ago

Do you prefer the word moist or people getting close to your ear

I hate you lukey

letitia321 replied 3333 days ago

Thoughts on Jade :) JadeTomass

Love you to bits

letitia321 replied 3333 days ago

What was your first cellphone ?

Flip phone

letitia321 replied 3338 days ago

Thoughts on Ashlee?

Love my slug to bits

letitia321 replied 3342 days ago

Coke or Pepsi


letitia321 replied 3343 days ago

How did you get so pretty? x

Thanks cutie message me x

letitia321 replied 3343 days ago

Thoughts on Dallandra?

Beautiful and kind hearted girl

letitia321 replied 3343 days ago