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askk me anythingg

6 Replies

Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?

hachi a dogs life and my sisters keeper

lexiii3 replied 4230 days ago

Name 3 people you trust?


lexiii3 replied 4236 days ago

When did you get

Ummm like one month ago? Im pretty sure

lexiii3 replied 4237 days ago

Thoughts(: Ohsnapitzavery

Avery your really pretty your funny and u should txt me sometime or in I'd me and does your phone still work lol anyways yeah inbox me sometime byee

lexiii3 replied 4240 days ago 2 1

Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?

depends on the friend

lexiii3 replied 4240 days ago

Thoughts ;-) Allywatson15

Your really pretty and were talking on the phone and we need to hangout sometime before u leave

lexiii3 replied 4241 days ago 1