Still do drugs? If so what?
None at all
A person you lost you would like to see again?
Too many people tbh
Best advice you received about relationships?
There **** and you just get hurt
would you ever date alysha?
what happened between you and alysha?
She wanted something one day..
Then she wanted nothing the next haha
Still friends with Madison Snell the little *****?
Go pump more **** up ya arms ya gay junkie ****. Hope you od on it ****head, world would be a better place if you did. Bull.
Okay :)
How did you and your best friend meet?
On the magic school bus after taking acid tabs
ice junkie ;) nah i dunno why c*nts say that, theyre more than likely junkies themselves that have nothing better to do than sit there on qooh me and abuse every c*nt over anon. love ya you dirty arabian! Jackbutterworth
Love ya c*ntyy
Chloe Lucchini is a putrid ***** with a fish smelling box
I don't know her but I'm sure she I a lovley girl and you are a pathetic little ***** who is jealous of her because of your insecuritys rnrnhave a nice day :) xoxo
Is it possible to escape the friendzone ?Give a reason for your answer
jump off a cliff
Do you do ice?
what's that?
Your the biggest dog out! Ya dog ya mates for ice ya junkie ****! Go pump sum more shi* inta yaself. Xo
will do xo
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
barnyard when Ben dies...
You are so se*y but you wouldn't go for me :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
inbox a nigguh then?
ex oh
seen you at the party tonight and f*** your hot!
good to talk to as well!
thank you?
yeah you too..
Name 3 people you trust?
me myself and I
Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?
tripped out - gravy baby
breaking news - machine gun Kelly
come smoke with me - fortay, kerser and redbak
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
depends who it is
Do you support human cloning and why or why not?
lol wot
some special like who?
inbox me and I'll tell ya
Brush m8 Ill tick your gooch with a fish oil tablet on a stick if you like
awwwwww darrdddyyyy
and then ill tickle your gooch with and ecstasy tablet attached to a string
Bazil brush come see wreck it Ralph with me ?
inbox me
don't listen to people basil.
you've turned your life around for the best.
And you're one of the best guys I know other than all the dead beats in this town! BecSymondss
thank you
Stop drinking my bong water u druggo
sorry maaaaaaaate.
who is that someone you quit weed for?
someone special
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
are papa smurfs balls blue
Can we get high together?
nah sorry, I've quit for someone
or what? gonna hit me with your bags of rocks are ya braaahhhh
aww ****. rnrnyou call me a drug addict and what not but you try get addicted to a lot of drugs for 5 months and then stay clean for almost 7 months.. rnsee how much of an impact on your life it does and how much it makes you rage when you get called that you pathetic ****
drug addict lol
go on tough ****..rninbox me and tell me that you pathetic ****
to people you miss family wise ?
more than2
I've been cut out of my real family practically
It's not that you two are talking I got told by gab that yous have a thing
I'm with her now and she never said that...?
get cho facts right nigguh
Do you and Bridgette lee have a thing?
oh and just because a boy and a girl talk doesn't mean they have a thing..
You and Alysha ? Friends ? Enemies ?
good question..
don't knkwv
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
Thoughts on abbey lee?(:
nice girl
how do you feel about codie and alysha?
couldn't care less :)
tarlisa gason?
who dat be
thoughts on..
kyra klien
very nice girl don't know her too well though
you so perfect Liam, you always treat girls so well.
I wish I had the chance, only boy I know who doesn't f*** girls around :)
turn on and turn offs for girls?
turn ons: when they are themselves and not putting in any act to impress me
turn offs:
when they act different with there friends and different personality
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
yes :')
What are you doing this Friday? Xoxo
What are you doing next Friday big brother?
not here hopefully
Thoughts on Taylor Venaskie?
so sweet and caring and very attractive and good to talk to :$
You're actually the best guy out, you're so caring and lovely, you deserve the best! xox
please inbox be xox
Liams got 99 probems but alysha aint one ;)
f*** the skank bro.
ahaha inbox me yeah ?
Never said I wanted you in my life ? I hate you more than anything. I'm done.
just **** off and sit on a cactus **** ! rnno one cares about you, stop qoohmeing me ya silly slappa
Can you please stop saying I'm Gunna hurt Codie cause he knows everything about me. And I can trust him , I would never ever hurt Codie. So stay out of my life. Sick of you starting shi*. Please Liam :( it hurts. alyshabarraclough
I'm not starting **** :) rnrnrnI never wanted to be in it, you wanted me to.. lolrnrnaww
thoughts on Alysha Barracloth
oh my god I could say a lot but all I'm going to say is she should not hurt codie aha we all see it happening
Did you and butters shoot up this weekend? Seeing the statuses makes a lot of people think that. You's were getting talked about dts all day today!
It's funny how anon "alysha" can say all the shi* thinking that you don't know its her :') omg little girls are so pathetic. Abbeyleelee
she is a little skank
So what they're both happy?
keep your nose out of it.
my nose isn't in it :)
I just don't want a good kid like codie to get hurt
I'm pretty sure it's your life you can do what you want with it! Don't let people bring you down with all this alysha bullshi*. f*** the Bit** you don't need her in your life ((:
I know I just find it funny how she posts as anon :)
I never needed her in my life, she needed me
You told alysha to block you Dic* head..
you gave her no choice you say you don't want her in your life but you keep putting yourself back in it...
how do I keep putting myself back in her life?
I feel sorry for codie, he can do way better
How's its immature for Alysha baraclouh or how ever you spell it to block you if she hates you .. That's mature ?
she started **** and acused me of doing stuff and she made a big deal over something, and I said something about it and he knew I was right so she blocked me :) rn**** you and **** her :))
Reason for your last breakup?
She was a mind****ing gronk
Save me a point you scabby ****! Jackbutterworth
13 Barely does me ****, ill give ya some of mums
Are you a banana farmer?
Nah a weed farmer
Make me a coffee and get the shard for us would ya? I'm feeling down and need a hit Jackbutterworth
Get the ice out of my f***ing bedroom you dawg Jackbutterworth
Hold up just shooting up this last point
Can you get me onto some heroin?
Yeah man :)
thoughts on Brooke Phillips?
I've heard a bit about her but i can't judge because i dont know her but she.is really pretty
thoughts on grace clayton?
Dunno her
Alysha is not a slu*.
Even if you don't get along that doesn't mean you have to go around calling her this and sending her messages.
I don't call her a ****..rnand i don't send her messages, she blocked me the immature *****
Alyshas a slu* ****, you can do so much better bro. Love ya bear **** <3
Love ya **** <3
Why does Alysha hate you so much?
Goid question, not my loss though, got other things to worry about
you're Dic*s mas*ive ! oh my
Heard your off the drugs...
That is correct
I think we should be closer!
Of course, inbox me anon :)
Who do you think is pretty in year ten clas*?
Mark callanan :')
Big boo*s or small?
Personality is really all i care about, couldn't bother me if they have big or small breasts
I heard that you have a monster ****! Wanna f*** baby<3!!?!?!
I think I'm in love with you!
Really, inbox me?
get on the shroooms braaaa
If you want a fun.night then yes go for it braaa
I heard you s*cked someones Dic* for a point? I guess that's what ice does ayy
No alysha barraclough that is a rumour you made up because you hate me.because you know.I'm right and you can't handle the.fact that i am :)
That's nice you headcase :) rnk ****ing y
Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?
Doing drugs
why are you such a filthy ****?
Look at ya head ****
You're a little hottie.
Dank u
You're se*y, we should fucl
Ay lets fucl
talisa gason?
Butters maaaate
Have you ever been friendzoned?
Yes lol
Alysha is an ugly mutt.
Ay bra
Who do you like?
Dunno ay
Why so attractive?
I'm not ay
You're one of the most amazing guys i know, i hope you become happy soon with someone beautiful!
I hope so to xoxox
Wish more guys treated girls the way you do liam and you're so nice, attractive and fun to be with and down to earth!
Thank you xoxox
What you think of, We Cant Stop by Miley Cyrus?
No idea **** ahahahaha
I've never talked to you before so I don't think you do know who it is..
Oh fair enough, but no I'm not back on any drug what so ever!
Explain the photo? 20g bra
I know who this is aha..rnrnyeah i went to a mates and they had around 70 g's sitting up, i quit for someone who meant a lot for me but times have changed and I've stayed of it for my little sister.. rnrnso **** you ya gronk
Are you back on the weed bra
**** oath braaaa #smokeweederyday**** rnrnrnno, i am actually not