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leemyweemy pls no spam
Haven't met him, wouldn't know.
Awkward. Bad hugger. 3/10.
Juniper's words echoed... "Anonymous! There's a time and place for everything!"
No I'm not a Virginian I'm from New York
So is margarine
15 years or so.
Oh **** I almost forgot thanks for reminding me
Yeah I'm so tired I want me in my bed too
I'm hot, you're not, I'm great and you're snot. You wish, you were me, but you're just a cranberry.
Get rid of the facial hair then we'll talk xo
I don't know I haven't met him
Depends how hot he is
Wtf um me no care about **** size as long as it's there
Hot: me, Not hot: you
Yes it's actually really offesnive. In fact it's so offensive I can see a meteor coming down on earth to crush us all Oh wait taht isn't happening
Depends on how hot they are
A sockwig was in my ear
D'aww sweety <3<3
Who what
This is why I hate the censorship because you could be calling me a lady-breast or a man-part or a slave-of-coitis Who knows?!
Well, there's me, Sienna, Caitlin. Kinda sad that they're the only people I can think of.
Trust me if I hated you you'd know it.
A hug. If I could hug a man like him, I think I'd smile the widest grin.
That's an interesting queery.
The only half-decent VSTs can cost up to $200.
turning straight would be a start
Hi me, it's Liam
ur rite
i dont kno u
I'm not gonna tell you I would date you, but I don't have to if I were to support you.
I don't know, but I can show you.
Well, I don't know how lonely I seem to you.
My Reddit is /u/Sizzzled. No idea who that person is.
XY, because for at least a month, no one is going to be there.
Not as much as the guy from Baker's Delight <3
My virginity, I'm sure there are a lot of people who could use it. *snaps in a sassy manner*
I don't have one
im too tired
- Hotness - Niceness - Talkativeness
The term "building" derived in 1250–1300 Middle English, from "byldinge". Building may also refer to the act, business, or practice of constructing; anything built or constructed; or in most common instances, a relatively permanent enclosed construction over a plot of land, having a roof and usually windows and often more than one level, used for any of a wide variety of activities, as living, entertaining, or manufacturing.
58. It could be improved if I was calling the shots.
Depends. If you're who I think you are, then f*** no. If you're someone else, do care to send me a Facebook message. <3
Why wouldn't I? Just because someone else is in the closet it doesn't mark them as "unavailable". If it was their request that I don't tell anyone, I wouldn't tell anyone. Even if there was a huge fight or whatever and we broke up, I still wouldn't come out for him. Instead, I'd probably help him through it. But for that to happen, I have to know someone who is gay and in the closet.
Yes and I think asking this is offensive to blind people. You should just be glad they won't be able to read this.
Well, first of all, you won't just wake up one morning and realise that you're bi/gay/lesbian. In fact, to be totally frank here, if you think you're bi then you probably are. It's more so a matter of whether you're a six (on the Kinsey Scale) or not.rnI found out I was gay over quite a long time, however I realised I liked guys when I was in Grade 6 (which is fairly young). Let's be totally mature here for a second: I realised I didn't like girls at all when I started watching p*rn. Haha, hilarious. But seriously, p*rn is where I discovered it. Not saying it's the only way to do so, but who knows. Might be worth a shot. Just don't get addicted.rnAnyways.
When I see my inbox has "You make me so *****!!!".
K here you go
Are you a boy or a girl?
Noooooooooooooooooo stop being cruel
But not all males. Some are pretty f**gy.
Who even r u???????
Yes because then I could say some old dude forced me to do it and cause child p*rn is illegal I could sue him.
*Eh hem* I would marry one because I am attracted to them. I don't get what you didn't understand lol
I like my meat rare. Can you do that for me?
Well that depends see, I think girls are good because gossip, and boo*s seem interesting, but would I date or have se* with a girl no way hozay. v*****s are scary, man.
Okeys :)
"I'm a grammar freak." Clearly...
I used to, then I realised how f**gy it was so I stopped using it :)
I think you're lying also why did you ruin the grammar in the last sentence hm?
k00l thx
I wish
I would. I would slap everyone for that. I would even slap myself for that.
my feet don't need soya sauca thanka youa
Soya sauce is disgusting then I get it all on the floor because someone tried to put it on my shoes and argh
I actually don't give a ****rnrnYou know what, when I saw the thing that said "Inbox (1)" I got really friggen excited 'cause I was all like "Wow, holy ****, Jesus Christ, someone actually cares about me!"rnrnThen, I eagerly check my inbox and see your **** question that I don't give two ****ing ****s aboutrnrnYou're probably just some robot machine who/that generates these questionsrnrnrnrnI'm tired of your ****.
What? Was that some sort of revelation or something?
Yeah someone sent it to me, I think it was the same guy who likes to bite girls roflmao
Masturbating is bad for you /r/NoFap for more information
I have no friends Except maybe two or three but I am awkward so I'm not going to mention them.
I have no doubt that will change soon enough.
It looks like you tried to type "p****", then you got so excited thinking about what *my* p**** might be like that you ejaculated all over the keyboard, and in trying to clean it (which failed) you typed that in.
Yes. no homo
No, it just wasn't the answer you were looking for :)
*See question below*
*See question above*
soz babe already got my eyes on someone unless you are that person but I guess we'll never know.
Define cute because i saw a mammoth once it was pretty cute
a f*****
i kno bb
Zero times infinity
I don't think I know the answer to that one.
liek dis if u cry evrytime
Bit** are you saying I'm broken???????
[Message from "": The response to this question was answered with so much spectacularity, the answer could not be successfully delivered. Please try again at a later time, or try asking another question.]