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Too sweet naaw
That's a bit rude.
Methinks I know who this is...
lezbehonest, it was the best deputy speech ever..
Sure thing I've always wanted to look like a boy xx
It just wasn't working, but he is a really awesome and I have a lot of respect for him.
Thank you! I'll do my very best I promise!
Sometimes, a little bit of mascara, but not usually. I think a girl should do what makes her feel confident and beautiful. If that's wearing a little bit of makeup, why not?
Well it was just me, Rach, Sarah and her lovely friend Hannah. But then Liv, tp, dee, ryan, tim etc crashed the party hahaha
Idk but Suzie
what is yummy?
What is a weird name that sounds like a weird diesease
What burns a hole into soul when you watch it?
Jenny Argyle is?
na h8 him yuck
you learn new things about someone every day! So I guess I'm still getting to know him all the time?
mebe lol
Those gorgeous year 10 ladies, they are so lovely :)
He's an awesome guy and it's been cool getting to know him better :)
there are a few guys who make me laugh, doesn't mean I like them all... so there's no point in answering haha :)
I pretty funny guy and friend once you get to know him. Awesome selfies ;). And I'm not sure, I'm friends with more yr 12's then yr11 guys. Zack's hilarious so probably him
Big heart! And BIG b**ty Bit**ES. boo*s are inconvenient.
hot to trot
Allready rocked that look sugar plum! it waz hawt
F moderation sneans should be worn at all times. Even whilst sleeping.
I know if only slickies and overalls were back in. *sigh*
hello suzie stop fishing for compliments
Meriana :)
omgwearejustfriends! I got weird cause we both thought the other liked us but we don't! FRIENDS.
Girl: Mo Gibson and recently Alex Nolan, they are both cuties. And I don't reeeeally know Grace bourke to well but she is the cutest fairy I've ever seen. Guys.... Callum Saunders and Tom L I guess??
girl Or boy?
here there and everywhere!
#no #imfullnow #later
The loveliest guy! but veeeeeeerrry shy :/
the ginger one.... oh wait...
omg im gawna cry #depresed #suicidal
thank you gorgeous anon!
hahaha what is this! We are friends. But ily emma Logan she's a babe ;) xx
idk I'm a magical unicorn i've already explained this
correction. Piss off Maxwell
piss off Tempero
NO WAY. well it may be due to the fact I'm a magical fairy unicorn and so i have magical powers so my hair expands lol true fact
my dad must've been a baker in when he was young ;)
no I would never think that! but I do think you're a horrible person. And it's *your btw, learn how to spell before you try to spread nastiness.
no? lol wtf
shake what your mama gave you
u tel me anon u tel me
awwwwwwww! Made my day thank you lovely anon x
omg yes call me x0oxoxoxoxoxoxox 0800diallahottie
because I'm lazy
no. because no, no, no, no, no, no, beacause im toooooo jojojo
omg no ur da hot one ex oh
Not right now. I've heard of guys who do, but none have the balls to ask! So no-one right now haha ;)
lol I actually don't haha. Guys are to frustrating. single and ready to mingle eh?
no. I'm broke.
yuk no thanks I'm alright
#awkward hahahahaha
you anon.
is a big poo
Rosie Argyle is pretz hilarious. But courtney sas*es all the teachers which is amusing :)
HAHAHAHA oh gosh thank you this made my day ahahhah
I was taught not to get into strangers cars. i think the same rule applies for dates...
It was THEIR relationship. not yours or mine. So what happened isn't our business, so don't act like she personally offended you!
I think people judge her on a basis of rumors. she's never done anything to make me hate her so why would I? Get to know her first yeah?
thanks? lol
A magical mix of Izzy tannock's and Rosie Inkster's :)
My sisters, Amy and suzie, and Rosie Argyle. I would if I could put Sarah and Courtney x
xoxo gossip girl
omg yes. you know where to find me ;)
bigger then yours obviously
mkay hunny bunny
fack. #lol. gaaaaaaaaah so awkward and confusing
hahaha so make sure you don't do something stupid and die
who?? :o
I like my friends, they're pretty fabo
Yeeees? wait wut
hey hot stuff call me xoxoxo
Me too you're pretty hot
I'm a mega nerd, I didn't realize
i don't think so.... oh gosh haha
no :( i wish, it'd be like a best friend right?
lol omg thanx so much