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awwww just greeeeat thankkks :)
hannnah and ameeeelia xxx
compete baaaabe. i love her (;
amelia race, hannah watson, abby mac, olivia mcgregor, katelyn pateman, abigail kinsman, jaymee c xxx
annnnyoing me right now in faaact x
i wouldnt have a clue, prooobz not xxxxxxx
i wouldnt have a clue, prooobz not xx
just give me a reaaason x
well i got up for rowing at 4.24am go to rowing in ophuia then i didnt get home till home 11.30 and now just been chilling with old biggie hehehhe xxx
hanz, milz, abz, livz
lily daaaavis <3
noooooot awhole lot maaate
shes sooo stunning like wowoowowowowo, she also pulls all da boys but i think shes found the right guy and i hope they last <3 one of bffls got a really cool voice hahhaha and im saaaah glad that i meet her hid year shes a keeper xx
um i dont really know him
naw prettz gud school
awww yucccck
ommmmmmg shes the cutest little thiinnnngggg shes gonnna have dat coolest life when shes olded xxx
hehehhehehehehehehhe xx
okaaaya babaez on wayyy x
umm bit of a f** eh but hes really good looking :)
daat nyyyyccc
umm candy floss ice crreeeam x
i wisssssh <3
shes a babe xxx
awww thanks xxx
heeeya there x0x0
Madelaine, OLivia O, OLivia D xx
i dont know heeer soz?
umm i dont really know her but she comes a cross so buddy and a really cool girl x
He's SOOOOOOOOOOOO hot! Annd really cool and seems like he's popular :)
He's really cool guy and we talk a bit :)
Hehehe eh who's that? Bailey or Blair smith?
Who's that?
Mmmmmmmm I'm not sure?
wooooooow shes a beest friend for sure! shes sooooo pretty and got the coolest eye lashers out! shes always there for me aswell at times i need her<33 im so glad that shes in my house group have daaa mean chatz! i would deffo stop a bullet for her hehehe ;) he have a few fights but i mean who doesnt! i love her and wouldnt livvvvee a day without her <3333 xx
life wouldnt be the same without her! always up for a good chat about life eh, sheeees so pretty and if i could have her peronalty i wouuuld die to have it! shes got the looks and the personalty thats why guys love heeer :) i only really meet her not long ago and wooow feels like i have known her my whole life <3 i trust her with everything and i know that it says with her.. I LOVE THAT WEE THING <3333 X
i love her <3333 shes like one of my best friend ehhhhh xx
i know like wtfff
who the hell i sthat? dont give me ones i have i dont know ;(
justin bieber movvvieee xx
justin bieber pray or where i belong Titaniummmm <3 x
x factor xoxo
ummm candy floss ice cream heheheh
lovelyest girl out! shes soooooo stunning
awwww i love her eh, i have known her for a few years now and shes such a lovey girl! sooo nice and stunning <333 x
sheeeessss one of my best friends <3333 x
i heart dem 4 lyyffff
haaaaaaaaai, aw you too girl x
naww thanks!x
Hehehe haaaaaai Blair!
Whooooo are ya? Pm me? Um he's a real nice guy, and he's good to chat to :)
He's also really good lookinggg! Over all he's a good guy :)
Wtf no. Who would you be to know this?xx
Thanks so are you xx
Aww thankyouuu! So are you<333
No who told ya that one? Shes a real cool chick and nice, also so is soooo pretty :)
M888 what's happeninnggggg
aww i love her, she is so talented with everything she does wow! got such an amazing personalty<333 x
um i think so?
Aww thanks! So are you xx
Aww thanks!
q8 w8 e8 r8 t8 y8 u8 i8 o8 p8 a8 s8 d8 f8 g8 h8 j8 k8 l8 z8 x8 c8 v8 b8 n8 m8 lol gdaaayyyyy
ommmmmmggggggggg do you even know me then?
Jordddddi Webbber <3333333333333
maybz i am.
naw have i :(
hahahahhaahhahaha ok
she is kwl