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Love me again - John Newman
Females: Males: 1.Megan Chan 1. Nathan Tang 2.Jasmine Huynh 2. Jonathan Hunyh 3.Raksa Na 3. Anthony Pham 4.Britney Morm 4. Edwin Lay 5. Angie Wu 5. Lawrence Banh
haii >.< and Life's fine. thankyou for asking <3
what does that mean -.-
fanks for what?
I think its a tremendous song but the video is a bit rude.
Legan :)
Well I like to always laugh with you cause your really funnny and so cuteeeeee <33 I always love your drawings :)
hai :33
who are you?
shes cute :3
shes cute :3
not sure because their are a lot of people I love <33
you laugh a lot (:
hmm.. kay (:
Well. I would like to travel the world with my besties <333 i would would die to met The Hunger Games cast, Ed Sheran, Niall Horan, Robin Thicke <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
which kimberly?
No i wouldn't because if you kill them you will regret everything! i would miss the times we would have fun.
He's a nice bloke. hes always looking out for people and hes a very fast runner.
I like to be in group photos more because its not awkard just me but i like to take selfies when i'm alone not when everyone is around me ;)
theres 2 megans in my life. megan chan and carsion. ANYWAY I LOVE THEM BOTH SO VERY MUCH <3333
she an amazing person :) we've known each ever since prep because he was in my clas* in prep and his always their for me <33 but i don't like him in that way.
MEGAN CHAN <333333333333
and thats Cindy Tiet because cindy is the only person who calls edwin 'eddie'
Yeah I know. Ages ago. but I\'m supporting Britney with her choice.
what do you mean?
why not?
warm (:
GO team Pale = Peeta
as a friend I'm not sure we don't talk. so i think that might be a..... idk seriously. I barely talk to him now so yeah. and hes busy with you know Britney so yeah.
hes really weird. like he gets me into trouble cause we are really close as friends and we sit close to each other and he gets me into trouble. but we have a lot of fun playing games on the laptop and me roll playing his 'girl friends' (tina the talking tummy and leanne the talking thigh) so i think hes really cheeky.
don't have any. love them all. well most.
Samantha. Uyen My. Leanne nguyen.
don't have top five..
Sheldon Cooper.
Julia Chung. Angie Wu - scented sparkles.
Gaby Urbina. Megan Chan - The Plesants.
Hes moved on. ever since. so I'm not sure.
Big Bang Theory power((: we have lots of things in common and hes always looking out for me. and hes a close friends.
I am fruits ...
don't have one.
excuse me. but it's fruits.
well. it depends what they say. well I\'m easy to be hurt with peoples words but If they were a friends then I would just leave it alone and not talk to them and Yeah just stay away from them. sticks and stones may break my bones but words won\'t hurt me (well most times it does).
well. we are friends now. but shes really kind. and always is looking out for me. and giving me great advice.
hello there:3
Gaby, Megan Chan, Uyen My, Leanne Nguyen, Samantha, Anna Huynh, Angie, Raska, Julia and Olivia. because they are always looking out for me.
shes so kind I love her. shes always looking out for me and she always gives me fab. quotes. shes so honest with me.
play it cool. don\'t annoy her and let her have some time and space. sooner or later she\'ll talk to you ;)
love life sometimes.
i love it it\'s so fun.
not really. enjoy life for the moment cause everything else is uncertain.
to live life forever without getting old.
not really.
it was interesting
one sister (older) one brother (younger). I\'m the middle. hehe (:
maroon (L) if there is no maroon red if not blue if not white.
my family and friends :3
no idea what this is...
You know.
I think hes different. hes funny. math genius and hes DIFFERENT
Jonathan is quite. but really funny. he can\'t stand some people (Kaush). he loves cheelz and yeah hes a close friend.
William. he\'s different, weird but hes one of my closes friends.
I\'m here.
pretty, kind, funny, awesome, the bomb! etc.
I not sure what to think of him.
I\'m not dating anyone.