Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
As quickly as possible. Before either one of you fall too deeply. Give him the option to leave or stay early on. That way you know that he is staying willingly, knowing all the facts, should he decide to stay. It is only fair to both of you, that way.
In our minds, the two things are actually unrelated. It's like saying why do people strive at 200km/h when they claim to love you. While they are doing it, they are not thinking of you and how it would affect you. They are enjoying the thrill of the moment.
Sadly, it does. Stress affects us differently. Some people turn into bunny rabbits and use the bed as stress relief. While others totally lose their libido. There's no right or wrong way to respond to a crisis situation. We are all wired differently.
Hold up...wait a minute, stop the presses! Here's a truly unique story. A man who is separated from his wife and absolutely promises, scout's honor, that once he is done getting rid of her, he will be ALL yours. You said it yourself, the wife has attacked the last woman who fell for the same story that you are busy falling for, now. What makes YOU so different that he will finally leave her, for real, this time?
Is he not being put off by the Mxit language? Only he can answer that.
Hahahahaa! Welllllll...what is normal? If it doesn't do it for you, it doesn't. Of course, you don't really say whether you have never enjoyed it with other people either. Or is just his cunnilingus that you don't enjoy?
Loads of times! The best relationships are formed on a foundation of friendship. HOWEVER...we need to learn the difference between a friendship evolving to a relationship and a "never gonna happen" friend zone situation.
Clearly he feels that his feelings are stronger than your friendship. It is a decision he has taken, which sadly, you have to live with.
My pleasure. And evidently, yours too! :-)
I'm glad you brought up that word. Sabotage. Sometimes, we become so used to being unhappy, that we are afraid of actually allowing ourselves to be happy, because the higher you fly the bigger the fall. Decide to be happy. Allow yourself to be happy. It really is a choice.
No. It's a choice, no different to only dating tall or dark men, or indeed, liking younger men. Your life. Your choice.
Hahahah! I knew the *ex questions would start coming. (excuse me). Ok, here's what you do: Before you get down, go empty your bladder. Take a pee and know for a fact that there is nothing in there. And when you feel a feeling that feels like pee....let rip! Let it go!
Hi friends don't have to be your friends. Unless you are suggesting that you don't want him to be friends with that friend, any more. In which case, you would need to give your reasons. But never make him choose. It is not fair.
A couple of factors are at play, here. 1. His manly ego. He is meant to be the provider. Accepting your help will make him feel like he is failing at this. 2. History has shown most of us that if you accept financial help from your woman, while things are good, if things ever go wrong, she'll be quick to tell the whole world "I spent so much on his broke as*!"
Enkosi. Ndiyabulela!
I assume you mean infidelity? Unfortunately he will be insecure, his very masculinity is threatened by being unemployed. I hope you are not leaving him because of finances. Those change.
Sorry to hear that. Be glad, he did, though. Rather that, than to string you along!
Had to hide it from my timeline. I got tired of annoying people reporting me to FB.
All time favourite: 1956 Mercedes 300 SL. Current fave: Aston Martin DBS Volante.
Glasfit, yes. Engen, no.
All in good time!
As often as you can get it!
Get closure. Call him, text him or whatever. If only to confirm that you two are no more. Obviously it also depends on what the last thing was that you said to each other.
Men's Clinic! Quickly! Even a GP will help!
Look, it is never easy to talk to anybody about ones status. The scariest thing is always how people are going to react. Your friend trusted you enough to open up to you and you let him down. But I am sure he was not surprised. That is the biggest fear that everybody has. All you can do is go back to him and tell him that you got scared, and you freaked out. Apologise. And just be there for him. He will come around.
Usuke efuna ucansi. LOL! Girl, if you are not comfortable with the suggestion...just say no.
Well...what IS normal? Just as long as you can actually do your work, i guess.
Somebody has to do it.
An ex is an ex for a reason. So, NONE.
If i am understanding you correctly....he has no problem with your size. You have a problem with his. Am I right?
Insecurity...they feel that they are in competition with every guy you have ever slept with. And clearly they can't handle the competition. Even if you have slept with 1 guy, she will despise that guy for life.
I don't know why you agreed to do it in the first place, to be honest. If he feels threatened by you having friends, chances are, he has some dodgy "friendships"
Stop being controlling. Or you WILL lose him.
I wish i could defend men on this one. But it is hard to do so....The phrase "men are as faithful as their options" unfortunately has loads of truth to it.
Interesting how that double standard works. When he neglects you, he is busy, when you neglect him, you are messing up a good thing. He is just plain selfish. He is on a power trip. As much as i believe that 2 wrongs never make a right, sometimes it takes you showing somebody what they are putting you through for them to see what you are complaining about. To put them in YOUR shoes for a change.
I seriously battle with this shorthand. But, bottom line....just as long as the 2 of you know where you stand with one another, you should not be bothered by things that outside people say.
Are you asking me if you should be upset that your boyfriend of 2 years is living with another woman. Really?
I am just glad that he has not given you the impression that this is about anything else other than se*. That should keep things clear to you that he wants nothing more than se*. Needless to say, if you find yourself falling for him, it means you are just not a No Strings Attached kinda girl. So do like Johnny Walker and KEEP WALKING. Otherwise you WILL get hurt.
It depends.....Needless to say, in our patriarchal society, it tends to favour men more than women. However, if both parties are happy with it, then why not? I know many very happy people in polygamous setups.
Of course they do! We all have our individual tastes. I have friends who are attracted ONLY to tiny women, while others love only big women. Don't DO anything to catch a man's attention. Be yourself, be comfortable in your own skin and if you and him find each other, then you know you can keep it up because you were being YOU.
He is MARRIED!!!! Hellooooooooo! Anybody home? What's next? Is he going to come to you and ask you to babysit while he goes on a date with his wife? Wakeup Woman! Get your own man.
He's just not that into you any more. my opinion, as long as you are happy.
Ok, here's the can love and date whoever you feel comfortable with IN THEORY. The question becomes; can you actually make the relationship work? Do you (both) have the emotional intelligence to look past the differences? This holds truw whether the difference is racial, cultural, age, religion or whatever. I must say, the fact that you are asking me the question says that it IS an issue for you already. And it says that YOU see it as a problem already. Let me illustrate my point; If he was Muslim and you were christian, would you have asked me the question? Or if he was Anglican and you were Catholic? Am guessing you wouldn't. Because it is a non issue. So, why is this one an issue? I'll tell you why. Because it also bothers you on some level.
Honestly, it is all relative. Depends on the individual. Some people believe that 3 times a day is what they expect and nothing less. It's all up to you.
Do guys who never go down on women still exist? REALLY? I have no idea how you tolerated that for 2 years. Look, to me it sounds like the problems in your relationship go beyond the se*ual. Maybe you just need to admit that the relationship itself is not working out.
What makes you think it is not pleasurable to him right now? Do you feel that you need to be a rump shaker and do the kwasa kwasa on his Dic* for a man to enjoy se* with you? If you absolutely MUST, then get on top of him and pretend you are playing the hula hoop.
Where on earth do you FIND these guys that insist on not using condoms after 2 months? More importantly...are you telling me you are totally unable to stand up for yourself and say "That thing is coming (excuse the pun) nowhere near me unless it is in a condom. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with a shag buddy if you want one. But I am worried that your reasons for wanting one are a bit twisted.
Your question makes it very hard to give any advice. 1. You are quite economical with your vowels. 2. It is not clear, from your question what the problems are exactly. I mean...are they fixable? Some differences ARE irreconcilable. That is why there is divorce. Maybe you can't be bothered to fix it because you just don't think it is worth fixing?
So...basically, you are letting your ex's run your current relationship via remote control? How's THAT working out for you? Stop letting your pasts mess up your present. Your insecurity is going to drive your man away. And future men, for that matter.
From your words, I am guessing that the 2 of you are still together. So, my question is....what is your question to me? If his actions were not enough to make you leave, what do you think words will achieve?
Hit and run. He got what he wanted. (My guess). What happened or changed just before he started being dodgy?
You are so right. se* without a condom is better. In the same way that driving without a seat belt or riding a bike without a helmet is better. Just remember that if a man is having unprotected se* with you, an NSA arrangements, he could be having the same setup with other NSA's of his. "We are very responsible" is contradictory in this statement.
All I can say is; You both got into this wanting NSA. The moment your agenda changes, I suggest you put it on the table. Just be prepared for the possibility that all he wants is to keep it NSA and nothing more.
I'm sorry...what?
Ok...where's the camera? Clearly I am being Punk'd! Is this Leon Schuster? Or Whackhead Simpson?
He is moving too fast. Tread very carefully. Sometimes guys WILL say whatever you want to hear, just to get you, I am sure you know that (as*uming you are over 16)
Only you can answer that, to be honest. From what I can see, there are two issues, here. Why do you want him to hold off meeting the folks? I as*ume because it is still early days in your relationship (for you). As for your son, he knew about him when you started dating. I don't see why it would be a problem now, if it didn't put him off back then. It will not be easy. But don't look for problems where there aren't any yet.
He is intending to make moves on colleagues? So, he is planning to make moves on colleagues he has not even met yet? How on earth do you address that? All that means is; He is permanently making moves on EVERYBODY.
Ok, this is a very old Qooh. So obviously this refers to Jan last year. Ok, my guess is that he was still not ready to have you meeting the family yet. Which is worrying in a relationship that is almost a year old. But everybody does things at their own pace. So, maybe he takes his time before doing the home intro.
Only time and HE can tell. But don't waste your time trying to break the DaVinci code. Stop trying to interpret his words and actions. Just wait for him to say what's on his mind.
Umhlolo kaJames!
In my opinion, the answer here is as clear as day. You are holding on to a relationship of the past. I would suggest couple's therapy, but it is clear that he is planning his exit strategy.
I really feel for your friend. I hope her experience teaches others that just because you are in a committed relationship, you don't decide to stop using protection.
How can he NOT want to be blamed for the break up? According to what you say, he made you feel unappreciated and unloved. What is he going to do differently? Is this a case of "You never miss your water til it runs dry?" Will he stop appreciating you again once you are back together?
Considering that such a vast percentage of men can't even find the clit with a map, I'd say you are a blessing to most men. Girl, millions of women wish they had a clit that was easier to find. I am sure you have more orgasms than most women. Enjoy your orgasms. Stop being so self conscious about a whole lot of NOTHING.
Every time the thought of going back to an ex crosses your mind, think back to the moment you broke up. Why did you break up? What has changed about the reasons for the break up? And can you move on and ignore those reasons for ever, going forward?
You don't have to hate him. Wasting your energy hating somebody doesn't get you anywhere. Just move on. Love yourself enough to know that you deserve better. Keep walking and don't look back.
WHAT? Please tell me you are joking? Please help me understand....what is your question, here? Are you asking me how you should feel about this?
Let me start by answering the last question. All men are different. So we all think differently. Having said that, my guess is; he looks at you and your man and he looks at the way you and HE relate and he is convinced that you two would be a better fit than you and your man. Stranger things have happened.
And how do you know he loves you? Has he told you so? As things stand, even if he does love you...he loves her more. Otherwise he would be with you, not her.
To be honest with you, i don't think any of the two things mean anything at all. I know mothers who have met HUNDREDS of their son's don't get THAT twisted. Her being on his profile also doesn't mean much, because all of that CAN be changed with the click of a button. What DOES matter, though, is the fact that you are being two timed and you are asking me what you should think about that. He is DATING another woman and for all intents and purposes, she is sitting there thinking she is his one and only like you. Yet you don't even have a sense of self worth to be UPSET at this? Your self esteem is my biggest worry here. That is what needs to be given attention first. Love yourself enough to say; I deserve better.
You could literally walk out your door and run into your future husband. The crucial part is this; are YOU ready? Are you happy and content in yourself? Are you comfortable in your own skin. In YOU love yourself unconditionally? Because, surely you can't expect somebody else to love you if you don't love yourself.
Not necessarily. Stop reading too much into that. Some people just believe that as a shag buddy, you can actually BE a buddy too. Why you would choose to read that as him wanting a relationship....I just don't get.
That is very strange. He is a man, for heaven's sake. He is supposed to drive the relationship. Occasionally, you should make the first move, but, really....most of the time HE should. Clearly, he doesn't get that women need to feel wanted and desired. Men do to. But women probably 10 times more. Have a chat with him. Tell him how this makes you feel.
For as long as your age difference remains an issue for you, your relationship will NEVER work. You clearly have a problem looking past the age difference. And to make the relationship work, you would need to not even know that the age gap exists until somebody points it out. Until then, you guys are doomed. Seriously.
Bro, unfortunately, this is one of those "you've made your bed, now sleep in it" situations.
I am VERY are dating a \"gay\" guy? I assume he is actually bi*exual, then. When you say \"he hasn\'t done anything yet\" do you mean done anything wrong, or do you mean the two of you haven\'t had *ex? Look, bottom line; it sounds like you have some serious trust issues. And to me it sounds like the issues are because he is bi*exual. Cos, needless to say you KNOW that you have to worry about both men and women getting between you.
He is totally unfair. And clearly his pleasure is more important than yours to him. Your decision. It is easy for me to d=say stop giving him head. But if you actually ENJOY giving him head, then you would also be depriving yourself a pleasure that you enjoy.
What question might that be? Enjoy the outfits....but i hope it is not too early in the relationship. Don't scare the poor boy off!
Let me ask you this...If you owned a Rottweiler, but he keeps on biting YOU when you got him to protect you, what do you do? When somebody's duty is to protect you, but he hurts you more than protects have to walk. You deserve better. You need to learn to put YOU first.
Take it easy on yourself. There really is no hurry. Wait til you find somebody that makes you comfortable enough to want to move on.
That means the *ex is so good, she forgets about being a lady and forgets about behaving....all muscles just relax and she lets herself go.
I get the feeling HE has the problem. Are YOU convinced of HIS love for you?
You just know. If you have to probably isn't.
Well, you can never tell your heart where to go. But, having said that, the timing was not great. I mean, you don't want to be his rebound girl, do you?
I'd really like to break this down and find out what you mean by romantic gestures. I mean, let's face it, a man should always try to show his woman that she is special and important to him. Otherwise, as is happening to you, he is opening up doors for OTHERS to make you feel appreciated.
Sounds like you still have unresolved feelings for your ex. And the only way is to confront them head on. Let me tell you a quick story. When i was young, I was not allowed to have chocolate. But there was a neighbour who would give me a little Milky Bar occasionally. That memory stayed in my mind and when i got older, I told myself i would have Milky Bars every single day. Ate one full bar and i HATED it. Maybe this guy is your Milky Bar. You want him because you can't have him.
All I can say is; talk about it at every single opportunity. Please give me the details on where I can get my hands on a copy. I will definitely spread the word and tell everybody I talk to.
No, you are not being selfish. There will always be work and deadlines. If he really wanted to, he would CREATE time for you.
Has he done anything to cause you to distrust him? If not, then maybe you have some trust issues in general. How were you in previous relationships?
Do YOU still want him? It sure sounds like it to me.
His logic is; Why do you want to know. Who else do you wanna teach the trick to? He wants this one to be HIS move.
No, I am not. I said I was getting married on 14 December. Didn't say which year.
I am not.