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cody gray


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8 Replies

Leave Cody and Shelby alone!! They make each other happy and are perfect for each other! They don't need your **** comments.

Thank you who ever this is

litttlegrazie replied 3623 days ago 1

Cody and Shelby are perfect who ever says he can do better he doesn't want better he's happy how he is ****ing stupid gronks J0NZI

Thanks man

litttlegrazie replied 3623 days ago 1

F*** off, Cody's with shelby and there happy!
Love ya brother! Jack_Ryan

Thanks bro

litttlegrazie replied 3623 days ago

Honestly you can do better than Shelby.

**** off

litttlegrazie replied 3624 days ago

110% what do you actuallu see in shelby ? :/


litttlegrazie replied 3638 days ago

Thoughts Jack_Ryan

You are one of my best mates, always up for a chat and good to talk to always there for me we've had some pretty good memories and probably heaps more to come, love ya man

litttlegrazie replied 3638 days ago

Thoughts on Teisha lake :)

Your a nice careing person, we dated a few times, you where always there for me and good to talk to and yeah a good person

litttlegrazie replied 3639 days ago 1

Thoughts :)) tj.naylor98

Your a nice girl, good to talk to, always there when I need someone to talk to, we dated for 6 months and have had some pretty good memories and your a beautiful girl that deserves the best

litttlegrazie replied 3639 days ago 1