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Ask or tell me anything you like

221 Replies

The last thing you bought ?


livluvlol replied 3584 days ago


Hahaha k

livluvlol replied 3691 days ago 2

How long do you want to live?

until I'm 100

livluvlol replied 3692 days ago

Tbh- HEY I MISS YOU SO MUCH! We have to hangout really sooon!!! You're so pretty and nice and you're really funny! We have so many great inside jokes and memories:') sc or message me so we can make plans to hangoutt! haleyy.ferreira

Yessssss gf <3

livluvlol replied 3705 days ago 1

Best song you've heard this week ?

Oh I forgot there were other songs on the radio other than all about that bass

livluvlol replied 3710 days ago 1

What would you suggest everyone try ?

The app Kim Kardashian :')

livluvlol replied 3713 days ago 3

To the ladies: your type of guy?

Cameron Dallas

livluvlol replied 3723 days ago 2

FRIKING BMS X 10293292919919 laurenmiller


livluvlol replied 3725 days ago

-10 Carmen.m

Bms cuz it can't handle the ugliness :)

livluvlol replied 3726 days ago 1

Thoughts;D HenryTribault

I've only met you once but you're pretty sick bro

livluvlol replied 3727 days ago 1

Thoughts :) Jacobdeker

Tek Dek U got qooh me! Lol anyway um we only met about a month and a half ago but we've gotten super close since then you're one of my best guy friends and I can talk to you about pretty much anything. Oh and remember don't go pokin till I do is spoken ;p

livluvlol replied 3728 days ago 1

Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?

I think we've are all established our love and commitment to showers :'D

livluvlol replied 3733 days ago 1

Who do you like


livluvlol replied 3736 days ago

What’s a common misconception people have about you?

That just because I play piano my favourite musician is Beethoven -.-

livluvlol replied 3749 days ago 5

omg Kyla I'm getting lazy so tbh ILYSM and nightingales is the and rate bmsss jena.devine

Hahaha ILYT and yesssss Nightengales this year will be so sick

livluvlol replied 3751 days ago