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392 Replies

What is a waste of money to you?

Any money spent on anything to do with Mariah Carey

livmoo replied 2713 days ago

What is something that actually offends you?

I get offended by people who get offended by a mildly offensive meme on an offensive meme thread

livmoo replied 2745 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

met them in school

livmoo replied 2801 days ago

What makes you happy to be alive?


livmoo replied 2869 days ago

You such a fu cling bitc h sometimes but far out you're funny

Oh wow thanku

livmoo replied 2875 days ago

What was your first kiss like?

I'd tell you if it was important enough for me to remember it lol

livmoo replied 2876 days ago

What's the worst present you've ever received?

Stuff that I have never used

livmoo replied 2918 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?


livmoo replied 2955 days ago

What happened with you and murry? Doenst he have a girlfriend

nothing why and yeah doood

livmoo replied 2955 days ago

At what point did you realise you are attractive?


livmoo replied 2969 days ago

Hey Emily.Romea


livmoo replied 2971 days ago

If you were suddenly elected president, what would be your first thing you do?

Offer every senior school child a free VET course in whatever field they were interested in going into. Oh and improve Visa eligibility.

livmoo replied 2979 days ago

What do you silently judge people for?

I dunno

livmoo replied 2984 days ago

What did you last Google ?

I read like three websites on their analysis of the meaning of Donnie Darko but I don't remember that being my original Google intention tbh

livmoo replied 2998 days ago

Whats annoying you right now?

Jude Law trying to do American accent

livmoo replied 3026 days ago