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Not sure, haven;t thought of it
I would help my Uncle Jack, off the roof- yes. Helping him jack off is something he'd have to pay for
Because she's amazing! And she didn't have a choice, I wasn't gonna let her go! (the only sappy thing on here)
I dunno, but they wanna hear a Peaches song!
I once fantasised that I was in a pit of mud, and mud was raining on me. It was dirty :)
Hell Sandy Kane!
Er\'rday 420 cones blaze it f**et!
Oh god, I have a lot! I had a lot of fun at High School!
Oh yes! Of course!
Hell yes it was :)
Well, I'd have to work out some differences, I'll leave them to your imagination
One, with your mother! Boom!
Why hello ;) You look fiiiiiiine today!
Well, he does know what he's talking about :)
Damnit Steve! Where's frank when I need him?
You don't have any competition love :)
Where did you hear that? Not denying it, just curious :)
I dunno, depends on the person. But nobody under 16, for some fairly obvious reasons
Dude, I know what you mean! You should get paid for that shiz!
No YOU se*y ;)
Sweet as, that will be delicious!
You bring the p2p and I'll bring the psuedo!
Just getting cooking! Wanna join?
Salamander man freaking rules!
Well then why are you asking ;)
Are you Kate?
Hahahahahhahahaa, we'll have to ask Kate about that
Bit**, chicken nuggets IS my family!