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Lauren Ashley


Ask me stuff

1.1k Replies

What area do you uber in

Shepparton, that’s where I live... sometimes Melbourne

lozashley.x replied 1940 days ago

Do you get many guys who have gfs DM you? Would you let their girlfriend know if they did?

HHAHAHHAA you’d be surprised how many. Probably more than single guys who dm me. It’s sad really and gives me no faith in the male species lol. I don’t go out of my way to message their girlfriends it’s not really my problem I’m not the one in a relationship.

lozashley.x replied 1940 days ago

What was the skin condition you had and how did you get rid of it?

Psoriasis! And it took me a very long time to work out how to minimise flare ups. Message me on Instagram I can try to help you!

lozashley.x replied 1940 days ago

Are you vegan?


lozashley.x replied 1940 days ago

Do you think guys should be slaves to women?

Hahhahahah no

lozashley.x replied 1981 days ago

Do girls poop?

Do guys wee????

lozashley.x replied 1981 days ago

Have u been to Perth ?

Nope but I’m going in April!

lozashley.x replied 1981 days ago

Your a$$ is the best I've seen

Thank u ?♥️

lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago

I dont see anything wrong with you. Keep doing you. I think you have 1 major stalker though who just keeps leaving hate after hate must be so stressful for them living with that negative mindset and all

Thank u for the support ♥️

lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago

I know you aren't (looking to date), it was just an example of how great I think you are

Aw?thank u

lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago

I would love to date you but you're about 5 leagues above me

No way ? But I’m not really looking to date at the moment

lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago

Fck me you're hot


lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago

Love how you say ‘all the hate just motivates me :)’ motivates you to do what lmao you haven’t achieved sht no one cars about your ‘progress’ and ‘getting there’ you were fat and lost weight good for you no one cares shame you have no career

A few years ago I developed a skin condition all over my body that made me depressed and hate myself. I managed to clear it all up naturally through eating healthy and dieting. I was told by a dermatologist I will always have it and never be able to get rid of it but I did. Haters motivate me to continue to work on myself and become a healthier happy person. Loving the skin your in is so important to me because I know what’s it like to wake up every morning and be disgusted and hate the way you look. It’s not just about “losing weight.” It’s more about living a healthier lifestyle and being able to stay clear of my auto immune disease.

lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago

Love how you have no response when people ask do you have a job so you just laugh it off and say the hate motivates me more. Motivates you to do what, keep checking yourself out in the mirror lolll

A few years ago I developed a skin condition all over my body that made me depressed and hate myself. I managed to clear it all up naturally through eating healthy and dieting. I was told by a dermatologist I will always have it and never be able to get rid of it but I did. Haters motivate me to continue to work on myself and become a healthier happy person. Loving the skin your in is so important to me because I know what’s it like to wake up every morning and be disgusted and hate the way you look.

lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago

Imagine your future daughter saw your page. What did you do for work mum? Aw I didn’t have a job I just posted half naked photos and made a page so dirty men could pay me extra to see me naked. Please don’t breed lol

Hahahah I’ve never posted nude photos ?

lozashley.x replied 1983 days ago