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I'm not really afraid to fail, if I try to do something and I fail atleast I tried, and I can always try again
1. Ash Peel 2. Jed Thompson 3. Sam Clarke 4. Jordan Harrison 5. Georgia May Golding
Lamborghini for sure
Get ****ed hahah
**** off Grima and brad
Nans funeral
Yeahh don't have one...
I honestly don't know
Hahah I got confused ok haha
Josh ?
Ohh heeyy there zeq (:
Ahhh okaayy?
I was with Keenan at the skatepark today? Why you got to call me ****? I mean who is this?
Whatever dude, I'm not talking about this **** anymore, I'm sick of it
Snedzzy and Jesse nicolas but they weren't in my class haha
I'm not the reason why she left, whoever this is you have no clue what's gone on, so don't but your head into other peoples business!
****ing love the ****, one of me best mates I can always talk to him about anything even the stupidest conversations can go on for hours haha consider him a brother! (:
Nicest chick soo good to talk too, miss the old days with her :/
No comment
Nicee chick really good to talk too (:
Niiggaaaaa haha
None of ya business buddy
Really nice and good to talk too(:
Love the girl, she is the nicest chick and is funny as, plus she's a amazing singer!
Ahh love you too ? Haha
Always keen mate ;)
Me and Georgia don't have to explain to anyone why we did it because it's none of ya business
Like ****, but he deserved to know the truth
Mmm naahh
I dont know
Makayla: don't know her Channelle: nice Cinna: nice Laylah: don't really know her Amy: love the chick and havent seen her in ages, miss her :(
No when did I ever say that?
Spending every second with the girl you want to be with
Yes :(
It was such a good plan !! Hahaha
Tbh: I f***ing love josh sneddon he's the best bloke, he's one of my brothers and always will be! :)
well corey bernstien is really good at footy, and ryan patterson is a freak long distance runner :)
well what do you mean by talented?
cinna martin :P
i aint no fat ! :( haha
nice girl and good to talk too
it was 2 hahahahh !
ive only had se* with 1 girl
billy josh is my Bit** and the way your headed you will be to soon ;)
aawwww thankyou :)
get f***ed **** he\'s my B**CH! hahahh
no one mateee
hi jess :)
ummm im not sure, i love nikki nardella we've been like bestfriends for ages, and yehh im not sure who i like :P
i dont know, im mates with alot of people but that doesn't mean im popular so im not sure :)
ummm not sure :)
hahahahh! no you f***ing gay c***! hahahh
yeehh hes alright
ummm i like both :) maybe blonde a little bit more then brunet it depends
jump in and help them out oviously wouldnt just stand there and watch someone in my family get bashed :)
no i havn't hahahh who is this?
really nicee girl good to talk too :)
good kid, talks alot sometimes though (parret) ;) hahahh
love you too whoever this is :) <3
georgous girl, would really like to talk to her more :)
just answered that question :P
taylah: nice girl good to talk to. tahlesha: nice and funny. teana: nice and pretty out there says what's on her mind alot :)
funny, enerjetic, friendly
no one im single (:
that im a mas*ive drugo **** and a as*hole to everyone :)