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Luke Phillips


Ask me anything you like

74 Replies

What are you really good at?

i think I'm really good at picking up new skills quick

luke.phillips replied 3907 days ago

What bores you about people ?

when they don't know how to keep a conversation going

luke.phillips replied 4007 days ago

The thing you want the most this Xmas?

Well that would have to be either 3DS/Pokemon Y or money to buy 3DS/Pokemon Y!!

luke.phillips replied 4120 days ago

The first thing you think of after you wake up ?

damn, i wish it was the Saturday *go back to sleep*

luke.phillips replied 4145 days ago

That girl who is friends with your cousin is nice. Don't you think she is completely normal and sane?

no not at all, she is crazy and if it is who i think this holidays she may be getting her blade of me :)

luke.phillips replied 4187 days ago

how did you and liz start to go out O_O

well, i asked out liz after the end of one of the dance concerts, as we were walking out. not really that romantic but i was hoping she would say yes, plus peoples kinda set it up :)

luke.phillips replied 4199 days ago

thoughts on benny knott

i don't really know about benny. he is a bit weird but he likes naruto, so he's alright in my books

luke.phillips replied 4199 days ago

How do you tell someone they have bad breath?

Oii ****** your breath smell like shi*

luke.phillips replied 4208 days ago

Stop saying shi* about shelby she hasnt done anything to you, grow up!!

and whatever. i have not said one single thing that would even make her look bad or seem bad. me and her use to be really close i have no f***ing clue of what has happened i'm just not looking to lose a close friend

luke.phillips replied 4212 days ago

Delete the photo of you and shelby on this qooh me making everyone including shelby sick!

ok well if you want me too, come say it to my face and shelby can tell me also. untill then. NO!

luke.phillips replied 4212 days ago

Most embarrassing moment?

when i was a kid i walked out naked infront of my dads church bible study group just before having a shower

luke.phillips replied 4215 days ago

I havent seen corey bartny at school recently, hes a bit of a Wanka for not showing up. How do you Jarrod and jordan deal with him.

nahh he's not a wanka at all, he's a close friend. and btw how does him not showing up at school make you hate him anyway?

luke.phillips replied 4222 days ago

Do you think corey bartyn is going down a bad path? Also thoughts on Jarrod howell and The new chick shaelee

well no i don't think he is, he looks happy and the relationship is going better then before (for what i know of). jarrod id say, yeah he sorta can be my friend and other times he's just under the line of being my friend. and shaelee, well i don't know her all that well yet, but i think she is a really nice girl and i reckon we could be good friends. :D

luke.phillips replied 4225 days ago

Do you support human cloning and why or why not?

well lets just say i'd be beside myself if that happens

luke.phillips replied 4239 days ago

Have you ever been friendzoned?

yeah i have on many occasions

luke.phillips replied 4258 days ago