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Car & a pug
Lifes better now so yes it's going great
Taking my girl to live near a beach with some good jobs gimmie that i'll be content
Lots of stuff, but mainly to find some work, get my own place, and to save up qnd go out less :)
Best mate gets mad easily!
Employed would be a biggie
Probably heights, but also moths
I ****ing love dancing and energy drinks
Skinny jeans ya derggg
Hahahahahahaha who'd you hear that off? It was great ;)
Well most humans are haha haha
Hahaa what the ****?
Nope, im actually not sleeping with anyone.
like $5 im pretty sure haha
Untill I can see my family grow!
Hahahahaha YES! You have most certainly devoured the cookies that go along with that scrumptious remember a cookie a day does not keep the European plague away
Trying but unsuccessful with a girl :(
Nahh mang
Nah brah Just a quiet one tonight!
Owning my own bar/nightclub
When I get the money side of things sorted out I'll be there in a heartbeat.
You tell me
My family & my friends and my shoe collection haha
Haha can't say I didn't see this coming. Haha you're are a great kind hearted girl beautiful you have a fantastic smile and are always good company :)
Just some bull**** I'd rather not discuss.
I wouldn't put it like that, I've just relised it's not healthy to always be drinking and it's effecting some of my relationships with friends or anyone im seeing and that's the last thing I want..
get on the floor if want that b**ty
never really thought about it.
ok mr anon of course I will
I know miss pac man she'll play some games ;)
3 people. Sharni Kennedy. Taylor
well she knows who she is. if you guess I'll give you a cuddle?
She's a great girl, she's got a great personality she treats people well and she's beautiful! of what concern is it to you.?
ahh I know exactly who you both are now.
well I drank quite alot last night so I probably was my apoligiesss.. ****. This is why im not going out for 12 weeks.
haha yuckkk. who are ya??
I never said I was. hey I may sometimes have a few to many and do silly things but im really not a awful drunk
im not that bad.. haha
Well i won't be out tonight sorry
haha classic last night was ****ing t***!
chezzel life
can our babies be anonymous aswell?
can we eat chezzels together??
Im Sorryyyy
can you please. I'm feeling a grind or 2 less lately.
I have like 4 $$ and I hate going out sober it's just yuck.
depends on how much shizzle.
my feet are an annoying shape and I always get breakouts on my face
because I can hardly afford the trip up and back.. ahha whose this??
some really strange dream! it was so strange.
Lot's of things but that's my buisness
well let's just start with you are beautiful fun good personallity great smile and awesome to hang with and for a good laugh :)
postman pat like.
definatly a cute girl :) good personallity nice smile you're fun to hang with and talk to genrally all around tops love :)
lets go option c
well it was either now let's go melbourne
Probably 2 or 3 :)
It's a quote from the outsiders. x
well I knew this was coming haha. you are a lovely lovely individual with a adorable smile :) you take care if me while I am ****ing smashed you're beautiful exiting sneaky I like your butt it's a nice butt Im full of smiles when you're around stay golden pony boy
if they're just in general ****ing ****