What was the best thing that happened to you today?
What are you obsessed with?
Beds, people, food, the usual
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
Her first day of kindergarten, and his first day of year 7, love them both x
Who do people always say you look like?
Madison Lyell....
if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I wouldnt be lactose intollerent!!!! That desrtoys your life, trust me! X
Your most embarrassing moment ?
Lol too many to count
What are you terrible at ?
Being non-violent!
Thoughts on Liam dinnage
Too many so I'll just say that his mine ❤️❤️
What do you want for xmas ?
Thoughts on Rubie cope xx
Love her beautiful soul xx
What got you upset recently?
Angel Hensgens passing, Matt Spains passing ?
What are you currently worried about ?
Sharks being in the river ??
thoughts on caitlyn nichols
Most stuck up btch..... Kidding love her with all my heart and i would have no one to tease or to reject Liam with haha love you @cn
Your actuallu pissing me off. Go away
Im faboulas how are you gf
Love you millions baby. Dont know what life would be like without your beautiful soul on this panet ❤️❤️
Thoughts on ebony kilaris
3 words:
Time ......
Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
Who would you take a bullet for ?
Family. Liam. Jessie. Stewart twins idk really
What was the happiest moment in your life?
When I was born