What is the worst thing you have ever done
I have no regrets ??
Tell me something that a woman should never do
Nothing, this is the 21st century??
Woud u give one of ur fingers in exchange for free wifi wherever u go
Omg you ugly ? sies !
I'm genuinely wondering who forced you to look at my pictures?
Do u think straight jackets r lyk e badass leather jackets of mental asylums??
What on earth are straight jackets???
Why don't u gun sports at loski
I do. I play tennis. And hockey.
What do u think of Natalie
She's cool??she doesn't let me play with her phone but she's cool???
Came to your school for sports
I am Anisha
And you know me from.....?
Do u like any of Natalie's frndz
Idk them?
Oh gosh????????
Do you like Debussy?
Just Clair de Lune....everything else just sounds annoying
Biggest dream?
Performing at Carnegie Hall
Imagine socks didn't exist ?
I'd just wear flip flops with everything ?
What do CBC yobs have against DC chams
Nothing that i know of
Crazy but interesting or normal but boring??
Crazy but interesting
What made you happy today? 100+
Would you consider yourself normal
If you could change one thing that happened in the past week what would it be
I shouldn't have eaten so much cake??????
Wat u up to
U fcking imbisil
I'm the *imbecile*?? You can't even spell the word????
Why is your head sooo big
Coz it's full of intelligence.....what's your excuse?
how are the exams going
Starting next week?
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
I'll have to get back to you on that one ?
Dream Job ?
Why aint you hyper, the way you answer your questions so hayi aah
Its like you water but no juice
Which non-hyper reply did you receive from me
lm so lonely, l have nobody to call my own, lm so lonely l need a cuddle
Favourite songs
There's a lot
the ting goes skrrr pa pa ka ka lol
Yessssssssss ?
Chicken Inn or KFC lol
KFC fam?
When will you be ready?
I don't know, one day, maybe today, tomorrow, next week, month, year, decade.....
Do any form 1s at your school have baes
Classified information
When will you start dating?
When I'm ready ?
Is there first aid at CBC
Do you know prudence
Which clubs do you do?
Debate, Public Speaking and Music
Comment allez-vous?
Ndakurova inonziFrench pakaipa ka lol
Hayi hayi hayi no more shona PLEASE
Mention my name its Michaela
Do you know any DC chams? If you do mention their names
?maybe some other time fam
Pray 4 me
Who do i mention in the prayer ??
Have you ever been kissed before
Eh eh ndeipi yako
Hapana zvirisei?
What class are you in?
The first one?
aaah why not was looking forward to seeing you
lm so crushin on you xx
Are you coming for the DC christmas Carols
Who are you vibing with
You're in form 1 right
Do you know these pips
Prince Sibanda and Lindokuhle Mbambo
No and yes
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Music❤Playing piano to be exact.....but i would also say I'm a decent debater and i do okay in academics and tennis.....im a humble person??
What makes you uncomfortable?
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Playing rugby?
What quote do you live by?
Fear has 2 meaning
Forget Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise
The choice is yours
Who was your first crush ?
What Mood Are You in Right Now?
Just okay