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Monica Pham


@$k me $omething

919 Replies

I need you because you make me laugh more then anyone else and im the best me when im with you and because when youre gone nothing feels right untill you return imm not whipped ps you already know haha

cute x 100

m0nicapham replied 3231 days ago

Thoughts on maryjane

crazy love for her xxxxxxx one of my faves and always down to talk and chill so luv her to death <3 <3 <3

m0nicapham replied 3231 days ago 1

Lmaoo well you 'A' obviously have nothing better to do ahahahha get a life plz marijana.peric


m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago

hahahhaha oh please hearing that u'd screw anything black, no wonder why you're dating a brown boy. #nightrider
soz dont have a qoohme

you're the epitome of ignorant vhahahah

m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago

Ahahhaha okay come off anon then ill come for a visit baby marijana.peric


m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago

HAHAHAHHA girrlll u aint my mum and why are u bringing my mum into this? u dont even know her.
farr pls come visit

And you don't even know me so gurl check yourself and bye

m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago

Who ever called you a hoe farr asking for a visit marijana.peric

bahahahHAHahHAah when ppl think they're crazy but you crazier

m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago 1

little hoe LMAO

don't talk about your mum like that xx

m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago 1

you hot thing

lmao bye

m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago

Thoughts on marijana


m0nicapham replied 3244 days ago 1

Fk u.

shut up lmao

m0nicapham replied 3529 days ago

What I said what b i t ch fk u I fkn hate u

Bahahaha relax yehh

m0nicapham replied 3544 days ago 1

***** **** you I ****en hate you

Sorry what

m0nicapham replied 3546 days ago

What the **** is up with your profile picture, don't you know how to cover up or some ****?

Nah teach me since you've covered your identity PLZ HAHA nah tf shut up #irrelevantass

m0nicapham replied 3546 days ago

What do you think about the most?

IDK everything ahahHahhahaHAHA my whole damn life

m0nicapham replied 3569 days ago