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450 Replies

What makes you instantly hate someone?


madddilee replied 3040 days ago

do you miss any of your exes?

heck no

madddilee replied 3067 days ago

Who's your crazy ex and how is he crazy

this sounds like something my crazy ex would ask ???

madddilee replied 3067 days ago

How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?


madddilee replied 3120 days ago

How often do you think Jesse is asking these questions?

he denies it so it's hard to say really ?

madddilee replied 3132 days ago

Whats your number one tip to get btches?

talk about your feelings

madddilee replied 3133 days ago

how swaggy are you?

like really swaggy

madddilee replied 3133 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?


madddilee replied 3133 days ago

Most recent embarrassing experience?

uh probably when I went grocery shopping a few weeks ago and the kind lady at the deli was like darling you've lost an earring then I went home to discover I'd actually only put one in that day

madddilee replied 3133 days ago

Hi cutie inbox me xx I'll treat you better then Liam ever could

nah if you're really the love of my life you'd inbox me first

madddilee replied 3133 days ago

Ever done drugs?

no wtf I'm an angel

madddilee replied 3133 days ago

There should still be proof of you and Jesse in that field

nah actually not a p*rn star

madddilee replied 3135 days ago 1

What do you want to hate, but can't?

food that makes me chunky

madddilee replied 3135 days ago 1

snapchat best friends in order

Jesse, Paul, Corey, Elise, Elainor

madddilee replied 3139 days ago

Last 3 people you messaged on messenger

group chat, Corey, Liam

madddilee replied 3139 days ago