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Maddi Abraham


Ask me anything you like anonymously

63 Replies

I heard you don't have a gag reflex

Is there such thing as a gag reflex srsly

maddiabraham replied 3716 days ago

What do you love the most?

Fam, friends and the BF.

maddiabraham replied 3765 days ago

What would you suggest everyone try ?

Reeces Peanut Butter Cups & shoving 20 maltesers in your mouth.

maddiabraham replied 3775 days ago 1

To the ladies: your type of guy?

My type of guy? My boyfriend is my type of guy.

maddiabraham replied 3786 days ago

The most expensive item you own?

Myself. Priceless.

maddiabraham replied 3793 days ago 1

What do you like about the person you dating?

I can't describe it, i can't write everything because i love everything about him. Our Nerf Gun Wars, our 3 hour Monopoly games, our movies days, the way he makes me laugh like a dork, our How I Met Your Mother marathons, how when i try to walk away from him he will grab my leg and make me either drag him like a child or pull me to the ground, how he always holds my hand, the way he sings songs out of tune and with the wrong lyrics, how he quotes Kung Fu Panda when I'm upset, how he loves the Hobbit and makes me watch it, the way he can make me smile when he pisses me off, how he calls me cute/silly names, how he never walks away from an argument without resolving it, how he always insists on paying for the movie ticket even though i am capable of doing it, how he walks with me down the street so i'm not alone even when his friends want him to walk with them, how he buys me a Mint/Choc Krusher even when i lie that i hate them when really they are heaven, the way he cuddles and kisses, his hair after he gets out of the shower, how he is so loyal, his family who are amazing and hilarious, his cooking because i am hopeless, how he can make me smile when no one else can, the way he never gives up even when i am being grumpy, how he reassures me I am his girl and that he loves me when I'm feeling down, how he doesn't care that waking me up takes 20 minutes, that he doesn't cringe when i don't wear make-up, how he is always there for me, how even when i tell him to go away he never leaves, how when we're in his bed he will always have an arm around me, how attractive he looks in crocs, how when i tell him i'm okay he knows i'm not, how he can tell that i'm upset from the way i kiss him, how when he hugs me i feel like there is nowhere i would rather be and how he is willing to make sacrifices for our relationship because he wants this just as much as i do. He is absolutely amazing and even though he is a pain and a dork he is my pain, my dork. And after everything we have been through, there is no one else I would rather be with. I love that when I'm with him, i forget everything going on. But most of all, i love that he loves me no matter what i say or do. He doesn't care about materialistic things, he jut loves me for all my good and bad qualities. I still get excited every day i know i get to see him. I just love him. For everything.

maddiabraham replied 3797 days ago 1

You what mate

U fukn wot m8

maddiabraham replied 3830 days ago

Who do you think is the toughest guy in your group

Lol I'm stronger than them all combined.

maddiabraham replied 3833 days ago 1

Current mood?

Numb yet positive.

maddiabraham replied 3836 days ago

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

No. Because the only person I have loved enough to have my heart broken by, continues to stand by my side and support me through everything.

maddiabraham replied 3839 days ago

How does it feel knowing he don't love you? Hehe must s*ck you sad girl

... thanks for Continuously making me feel like ****. You don't know Our relationship.

maddiabraham replied 3859 days ago

I'm sorry bout all the hate your gettin. But why isn't this boyfriend if yours here standing up for you? Not even on fb. Does he even care that people are doing this. It proved everyones point that he is being a crap boyfriend. You shoudnt be doing this alone

Just leave us alone. He does support me. He is always there for me so back off.

maddiabraham replied 3859 days ago

How can you love someone and smile at them like you did today when they only ever come when they want to... its pathetic you let him walk over yoy

You don't know my relationship. So stop questioning it.

maddiabraham replied 3859 days ago

You deserve better. I know he is a good mate and he is nice but i really wish you would break up with him and find someone who Gives 2 ****s about you.

Can people stop telling me to break up with him? It won't happen.

maddiabraham replied 3859 days ago

When really he can't stand being in a relationship with you and he wants me and probably other girls. You r nothing to him. Give up and find someone who actually loves you and doesn't tell other girls he likes them. Joke is on you.

Why are you so mean?

maddiabraham replied 3859 days ago