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Maddie Parker


YOLO ask me sumfing

40 Replies

I f***in hate u. U r a f***in Dic* wad who thinks you should get everything Ur way go die in a hole Bit** cus nobody f***ing likes you u as*wipe. Ur a Bit**y cow faced skank

Jeez, who lit the fuse on your tampon?

maddiekateparker replied 4255 days ago

These things either, leave them both alone, talya has a girlfriend for christs sake and Maddie has already mentioned that she is not gay so get on with your own Bit**y lives and her the f*** alone.

Thank you, it means a lot <3

maddiekateparker replied 4256 days ago

Part 1To be honest Maddie is probably one of the nicest chicks I know, she is not a slu*, not a attention seeking ***** and most of all not lesbian. Just because talya once liked her it doesn't mean that Maddie has to like her back. And no talya is neither of

Next part, c:

maddiekateparker replied 4256 days ago

Guys maddie is straught leave her the f*** alone shes actually nice and shiz so.. yeah its none of your buisness is shes gay or not anyway :/ KateElizabethBowden

Thanks Kate, and yeah I am straight

maddiekateparker replied 4256 days ago

You're a fail

So was your dads condom.

maddiekateparker replied 4256 days ago 1

f*** you

I don't have a Dic*

maddiekateparker replied 4256 days ago

I hate you and wish you were dead. In fact I wish I never met you...

I'd slap you but that would be animal abuse

maddiekateparker replied 4256 days ago

f*** GAYS

I've never thought of doing that, thanks for the tip. What position do you think. Is the best?

maddiekateparker replied 4256 days ago

You have really changed

You know what? Yes I have changed. I'm not as nice as I used to be, because I don't want to get used or walked over. I don't trust everyone and tell me my secrets because behind every fake smile is a backstabbing Bit**. I distance myself from people because they are going to leave and I'm and sick and tired of being the one that is there for everyone else and then when I need help, I'm left alone. I have changed because I have realised I am the only one I can depend on at the end of the day.

maddiekateparker replied 4266 days ago 1

Maddie your perfect you don't deserve this. This is sooo horrible, always remember you're perfect. I'm a good friend to you Maddie, don't change f**

Thanks, but I'm not perfect.

maddiekateparker replied 4268 days ago

Sick lesbian ****

Go f*** a horse

maddiekateparker replied 4268 days ago

Queer f*****.

I\'m not queer or a f*****.

maddiekateparker replied 4274 days ago

Love you <3

Thanks <3

maddiekateparker replied 4274 days ago

Talya and Maddie up a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g.

Are you 5 or something.?

maddiekateparker replied 4274 days ago

You f***witt. I actually can't believe you could be such a Bit**

What did I do?

maddiekateparker replied 4274 days ago