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maddie neville


Ask me anything you like anonymously

250 Replies

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

Mikela, Laura and my dad :p

maddieneville replied 3952 days ago



maddieneville replied 3972 days ago

you already have a horse.. wow you move on quickly

Yeah I have a horse already. What's wrong with that?

maddieneville replied 3982 days ago

Are you looking for a new horse?
I Have a tb gelding, chestnut 3 white socks with a blaze, done showing, pc, comps, grade 2 jumper, very quiet, 16hh 8yo.
let me know:)

Yeah I am! Inbox meeeee

maddieneville replied 3993 days ago

Why does everything u touch die?

If everything I touch dies then maybe I should ***** slap you to ****ing death. P.S. Learn how to spell xx

maddieneville replied 3993 days ago

If you had your crush over for dinner what would you cook?

I would cook her what ever she wanted :p

maddieneville replied 3994 days ago

What is your perfect date?

bed, movies, cuddles, food, coffee and more cuddles hahah

maddieneville replied 3994 days ago

On a positive note here are some legitimate questions.
What do you look for in a partner?

cute, funny, good personality and must like horses enough to come see mine with me.

maddieneville replied 3994 days ago

Who is your most favouritist horsey person in the world (wink wink, she owns your favourite girl)

definitely not Sheridan ;) lol jokes love you xx

maddieneville replied 3994 days ago

(Cont) and be absolutely ridiculous because theirs nothing to blame. So whoever you are take your head out of your as* and use that thing called a brain that you've lost.

why thank you!

maddieneville replied 3994 days ago

Who the hell is this little **** who can't understand that buddy's death was an accident. Blaming yourself doesn't make you a f**king hero. There was nothing Maddie could do and blaming herself would achieve nothing (cont)


maddieneville replied 3994 days ago

Buddy is at rest now, he doesn't have to put up with u on his back anymore :)

Go s*ck a big black **** you mother*****

maddieneville replied 3995 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

This girl...... she knows who she is

maddieneville replied 3998 days ago

hows the tongue piercing going?

****ing sore and swollen

maddieneville replied 3998 days ago

why r u lesbian

Why aren't I?

maddieneville replied 4003 days ago